it really looks like Armageddon
a completely rotten Western oligarchy in decline wants to vanquish an Eastern rotten oligarchy in decline... just in order to get by with China -
the new power ... and #Ukraine must bleed for it...
Selenskiy just rejected any more compromise/negotiations - another puppet...
and the #EU is following like a dog... I always took the #Green party #Grüne as a neoliberal tralala party ... but did not suspect them to be moles of the #Atlantic-bridge #Atlantik_Brücke ...
where is the #climate-crisis ? where is the #Covid-waiver ?
a complete desaster presuming that the #EU will ever become some kind of democratic player - go on dreaming #DIEM
a complete desaster presuming that our oligarchs ever spend any more thinking about #climate_crisis
the brain-dead #NATO is back again as the killer organization it ever was - same for Putin's new version of #stalinism
so: game over folks
we are „governed“ by criminals and psychopaths and always were...
and there is no way out - unless we get rid of them (haha !) - game over - full-stop