Authorities in #Iran are harshly cracking down on ‘bad-hijab women’ and will hold a ‘hijab rally’ on Tuesday, but women activists have their own plans to #protest.
President Ebrahim #Raisi on Wednesday called lack of compliance with #hijab rules “an organized promotion of [moral] #corruption in Islamic #society” and ordered all government entities to strictly implement a “chastity and hijab” law drawn in 2005 by the Supreme Council of the Cultural #Revolution.
Authorities have also launched an extensive campaign this year against #women they call ‘bad-hijab’. In addition to crackdowns by the ‘morality #police’ on the streets, some officials have ordered extra measures, including to government offices, banks, and public transportation authorities to withhold service to ‘bad-hijab’ women. #no2hijab #media #humanrights

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