linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"

-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…–/artikel/89304/0

because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • why is everyone using it?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects

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