

21.02.2024 eID des ePerso nicht mehr sicher?

Identität lässt sich auch hier stehlen

Die Antwort ist JEIN, denn ein anonymer Sicherheitsforscher mit dem Namen CtrlAlt hat zwar ein Beispiel aufgezeigt, wie ein Endgerät eines Anwenders durch eine über eine Pishing Mail erhaltene verseuchte App kompromittiert werden kann. Aber in so einem Fall gilt, wie bei allen Fällen, wo Menschen aus eigener "Dummheit" auf Angriffe hereinfallen - selbst schuld.

Mit dieser schnellen Antwort wollte sich Jürgen Schmidt, Leiter heise Security, nicht zufrieden geben und hat das Problem näher untersucht. Er geht vom Anspruch des eID-Verfahrens aus, den sich die Bundesregierung mal gestellt hatte und sagt: Doch der Anspruch des eID-Systems war und ist es, eine digitale Ausweisfunktion bereitzustellen, die auch dann noch sicher ist, wenn das Endgerät des Anwenders kompromittiert wurde – etwa wie hier mit einem Trojaner. Da hält die eID ihr Versprechen als unabhängiger Vertrauensanker nicht ein.

Im weiteren nennt er zwei Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten, eine davon lässt sich schnell anwenden. Es wäre bereits eine Hilfe, wenn die Nutzer eine Liste des BSI einsehen könnten, welche Apps und welche Updates vertrauenswürdig seien und eventuell auch Hinweise zu aktuellen Fake Apps als Warnung. Das BSI prüft diesen Vorschlag zur Zeit.

Der zweite Vorschlag geht ans Eingemachte. Dazu muss man wissen, dass eine ID-Feststellung in der eID App mit einer URL der Form eid://... beginnt. Solche URL-Schemes gelten bereits seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr als sicher, vor allem, wenn sich jede App, also auch ein Trojaner, dort registrieren kann. Sowohl für iOS als auch für Android gibt es sogenannte Universal URLs, bei denen definierte Deep-Links zum Anbieter den Aufruf einer App triggern, wie Heise Security vorschlägt. Die Antwort des BSI auf diesen Vorschlag ist wesentlich zurückhaltender, denn der Ansatz der Universal Links würde "das Ziel der Interoperabilität und Offenheit/Transparenz des eID Systems deutlich einschränken".

Die eID für den ePerso war ja vor vielen vielen Jahren aus der Taufe gehoben worden, um auch Firmen die Möglichkeit zu geben eine sichere Identifikation ihrer Nutzer sicherzustellen. Über Jahre gab es praktisch keine sinnvollen Anwendungen und auch heute kommen die immer noch wenig genutzten aus dem Öffentlichen Dienst. Selbst der vor 2 Jahren eingeführte und von uns verurteilte Zwang zur Freischaltung der eID in jedem neu ausgegebenen Personalausweis hat die Nutzerzahlen kaum beflügelt.

Wir zitieren hier gern eine Meldung aus dem Jahr 2010: Notbremse beim E-Personalausweis ziehen „Die übereilte Einführung des neuen Personalausweises fällt der Bundesregierung schneller auf die Füße als befürchtet" (Die Linke fordert Verzicht auf ePerso ) und verweisen auf über 50 Artikel (s.u.) in denen wir uns mit dem Thema "ePerso" beschäftigen mussten. Wir geben allerdings gerne zu, dass eine verlässliche und sichere Identifikation immerhin eine sinnvollere Anwendung als die ebenfalls staatlich eingeführte (und inzwischen beerdigte) DE-Mail mit stückweise verschlüsselten Nachrichten wäre.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/eID-und-AusweisApp-kritische-Sicherheitsluecke-aber-auch-gefaehrlich-9632374.html
und alle unsere Artikel zum ePerso https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=ePerso&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3z6
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8689-20240221-eid-des-eperso-nicht-mehr-sicher.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8689-20240221-eid-des-eperso-nicht-mehr-sicher.html
Tags: #eID #ePerso #Fingerabdruck #ElektronischerPersonalausweis #ElektronischerPass #Identitätsdiebstahl #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #DE-Mail #Ergonomie #Datenpannen #Vertrauen #Pishing #Unschuldsvermutung #Verhaltensänderung #BSI #URL #App-Liste


#Astuce : Comment voir une page internet directement en mode #lecture.

Pour les pages qui peuvent être affichées en mode lecture :
-- Pour #Firefox : ajouter devant l' #URL : about:reader?url=

Exemple (à copier-coller) : about:reader?url=https://blogs.alternatives-economiques.fr/zemmour/2024/01/30/breve-analyse-de-la-suppression-annoncee-de-l-ass

-- Sur un autre #navigateur, c'est peut-être ça : reader://
à tester.

Qui veut essayer sur #Chrome and co ?

ou https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/consultez-des-pages-web-en-mode-lecture
Mais surtout, ça supprime tous les #Cookies #Traqueurs !!!.


#doh #dns #https #firefox #privacy #url #browser #internet #android #iphone #smartphone #windows #linux
"All preferences for the DNS-over-HTTPS functionality in Firefox are located under the network.trr prefix (TRR == Trusted Recursive Resolver). The support for these were added in Firefox 62.
The resolver mode. You should not change the mode manually, instead use the UI in the Network Settings section of about:preferences"

#aboutconfig #setting

#chromium #bromite #cloudflare


#Google #Search Asked to Remove One Billion ‘Pirate’ Links in 9 Months

source: https://torrentfreak.com/google-search-asked-to-remove-one-billion-pirate-links-in-9-months-230807/

Looking more closely at the timeline, we see that a billion #URLs were reported to Google search in less than nine months. For comparison, it took twice as long to go from five to six billion, suggesting that the #takedown volume picked up again after a previously reported decline.

#internet #piracy #copyright #economy #news #url


Raccourcisseur URL modifiable


Bonjour à tous,

Je recherche un #raccourcisseur d' #URL modifiable!

J'ai regardé un peu du coté des #chatons évidement, mais rien trouvé

Le seul que j'ai trouvé jusqu'ici est sur OVH, et ça ne dit pas de quoi il se sers !

Si je ne trouve vraiment pas, je reprendrais un petit hébergement pour y mettre YOURLS, mais si je peux éviter pou l’instant ... 😃️


#framasoft #logiciel-libre #raccourcisseur_url


Deterring #Scraping By #Protecting #Facebook Identifiers

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2022/09/deterring-scraping-by-protecting-facebook-identifiers/

Most companies use unique identifiers within the URLs of their website. #Identifiers are a way to uniquely reference people or #content such as posts, pictures and videos. Within Facebook, these identifiers are known as #FBIDs and we use them to load content for people.

enter image description here

Every Facebook #link you distribute from your #account can be traced back to you!

#url #uri #warning #tracking #surveillance #meta #internet #economy #politics #id #identification #problem #anonymous #click #news


#Facebook Is Now #Encrypting #Links to Prevent #URL Stripping

source: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/facebook-is-now-encrypting-links-to-prevent-url-stripping.html

Some sites, including Facebook, add parameters to the web address for tracking purposes. These parameters have no functionality that is relevant to the user, but sites rely on them to track users across pages and properties.

#meta #fail #software #tracking #surveillance #news #warning #URI #Firefox


#ClearURLs sur #Framalibre (pour nettoyer un lien #URL de ses #trackers)

• ClearURLs est une extension vous permettant de lutter contre les outils de surveillance des annonceurs, en supprimant automatiquement les éléments de suivi (directement depuis l'URL), afin de protéger votre #ViePrivée lorsque vous naviguez sur #Internet.

• Par exemple, lorsque vous faites des recherches sur Amazon (ou bien sur d'autres sites web du genre), le site web en question va vous fournir une URL plus ou moins longue (contenant des codes de surveillance) :


• Étant donné que ces codes de #surveillance ne sont pas nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du site #web, alors ils peuvent être supprimés sans problème, et c'est exactement ce que fait ClearURLs :


• ClearURLs fait partie des #extensions recommandées par #Mozilla #Firefox.

#Logiciel #Libre #LogicielLibre


Rant: Open Source and the concept of: Release early, release often or publish early & publish often -> continuous development/continuous integration (CD/CI) -> tight loops ok but still - linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • or maybe it’s wrongful integration? (but maybe it just sucks)
    • why is every developer-user using it?
  • PS: as mankind still ponders and evolves (by making mistakes) how to best deal with computers
    • yes someone said “publish early” & “publish often” (doing this with the blog… also… often too often and too early X-D)
      • or: “Release early, release often” (wiki)
        • “tight feedback loop between developers and testers or users” (wiki) - yeah sure as a developer that might be a good thing, as a user… really doubt it… - there are highly intelligent respected developers that pioneered this concept… it might work for small teams… (of one)
        • “This philosophy was popularized by Eric S. Raymond in his 1997 essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar, where Raymond stated “Release early. Release often. And listen to your customers”.[4]”“This philosophy was originally applied to the development of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, but has also been applied to closed source, commercial software development.””The alternative to the release early, release often philosophy is aiming to provide only polished, bug-free releases.[5] Advocates of RERO question that this would in fact result in higher-quality releases.[4]
      • has this lead to every developer going in the: continuous development/continuous integration direction? (definately sounds like it)
        • it really should be called CD/CI not CI/CD because first comes the development, then the integration (but well hewego: CI/CD@RedHat)
        • still pondering if it’s really a good idea - well if software quality sticks to UNIX principles of K.I.S.S (most do not and have NO IDEA what non-K.I.S.S means for their software-project or company: - it is the difference between: - lost in chaos of complexity = dysfunctionality - vs a lean stream of running smooth software-company - src: https://homepage.cs.uri.edu/~thenry/resources/unix_art/ch01s07.html - plus test-driven development: 100.000 use case checks tested afterwards automatic & semi-automatic & manual - than that probably works (but then that is what needs to be done anyway to ensure good software quality) - plus: maybe a feedback channel that does not de-motivate - always say something positive first - then the critique
        • signal.org is a very cool mobile & desktop messenger (that usually works pretty well) but: - what is already annoying: if updates per program are 100MBytes and more… (always downloads the full thing (signal.org desktop client) no differential updates?)
  • word of advice: never blindly follow “the trends”
    • always think for yourself, “does it make sense”?
      • test it if it works for you, if not, drop it, what’s the point?

imho gotta to do both…

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects #ci-cd #cd-ci #CICD #CDCI #dev #systems #system #company #developers #developer #buckminster #buckminister

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/03/rant-open-source-and-the-concept-of-release-early-release-often-or-publish-early-publish-often-continuous-development-continuous-integration-cd-ci-tight-loops-ok-but-still-linking-to-n/


Rant: Open Source and the concept of: Release early, release often or publish early & publish often -> continuous development/continuous integration (CD/CI) -> tight loops ok but still - linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • or maybe it’s wrongful integration? (but maybe it just sucks)
    • why is every developer-user using it?
  • PS: as mankind still ponders and evolves (by making mistakes) how to best deal with computers
    • yes someone said “publish early” & “publish often” (doing this with the blog… also… often too often and too early X-D)
      • or: “Release early, release often” (wiki)
        • “tight feedback loop between developers and testers or users” (wiki) - yeah sure as a developer that might be a good thing, as a user… really doubt it… - there are highly intelligent respected developers that pioneered this concept… it might work for small teams… (of one)
        • “This philosophy was popularized by Eric S. Raymond in his 1997 essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar, where Raymond stated “Release early. Release often. And listen to your customers”.[4]”“This philosophy was originally applied to the development of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, but has also been applied to closed source, commercial software development.” “The alternative to the release early, release often philosophy is aiming to provide only polished, bug-free releases.[5] Advocates of RERO question that this would in fact result in higher-quality releases.[4]
      • has this lead to every developer going in the: continuous development/continuous integration direction? (definately sounds like it)
        • it really should be called CD/CI not CI/CD because first comes the development, then the integration (but well hewego: CI/CD@RedHat)
        • still pondering if it’s really a good idea - well if software quality sticks to UNIX principles of K.I.S.S (most do not and have NO IDEA what non-K.I.S.S means for their software-project or company: - it is the difference between: - lost in chaos of complexity = dysfunctionality - vs a lean stream of running smooth software-company - src: https://homepage.cs.uri.edu/~thenry/resources/unix_art/ch01s07.html - plus test-driven development: 100.000 use case checks tested afterwards automatic & semi-automatic & manual - than that probably works (but then that is what needs to be done anyway to ensure good software quality) - plus: maybe a feedback channel that does not de-motivate - always say something positive first - then the critique
        • signal.org is a very cool mobile & desktop messenger (that usually works pretty well) but: - what is already annoying: if updates per program are 100MBytes and more… (always downloads the full thing (signal.org desktop client) no differential updates?)
  • word of advice: never blindly follow “the trends”
    • always think for yourself, “does it make sense”?
      • test it if it works for you, if not, drop it, what’s the point?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects #ci-cd #cd-ci #CICD #CDCI #dev #systems #system #company #developers #developer

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/03/rant-open-source-and-the-concept-of-release-early-release-often-or-publish-early-publish-often-continuous-development-continuous-integration-cd-ci-tight-loops-ok-but-still-linking-to-n/


Rant: Open Source and the concept of: Release early, release often or publish early & publish often -> continuous development/continuous integration (CD/CI) -> tight loops ok but still - linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • why is every developer-user using it?
  • PS: as mankind still ponders and evolves (by making mistakes) how to best deal with computers
    • yes someone said “publish early” & “publish often” (doing this with the blog… also… often too often and too early X-D)
      • or: “Release early, release often” (wiki)
        • “tight feedback loop between developers and testers or users” (wiki) - yeah sure as a developer that might be a good thing, as a user… really doubt it…
      • has this lead to every developer going in the: continuous development/continuous integration direction? (definately sounds like it)
        • it really should be called CD/CI not CI/CD because first comes the development, then the integration (but well hewego: CI/CD@RedHat)
        • still pondering if it’s really a good idea - well if software quality sticks to UNIX principles of K.I.S.S (most do not) - plus test-driven development: 100.000 use case checks tested afterwards automatic & semi-automatic & manual - than that probably works (but then that is what needs to be done anyway to ensure good software quality) - plus: maybe a feedback channel that does not de-motivate - always say something positive first - then the critique
        • signal.org is a very cool mobile & desktop messenger (that usually works pretty well) but: - what is already annoying: if updates per program are 100MBytes and more… (always downloads the full thing (signal.org desktop client) no differential updates?)
  • word of advice: never blindly follow “the trends”
    • always think for yourself, “does it make sense”?
      • test it if it works for you, if not, drop it, what’s the point?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects #ci-cd #cd-ci #CICD #CDCI #dev

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/03/rant-open-source-and-the-concept-of-release-early-release-often-or-publish-early-publish-often-continuous-development-continuous-integration-cd-ci-tight-loops-ok-but-still-linking-to-n/


linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • why is everyone using it?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/03/linking-to-nirvana-without-redirection-badly-written-software-that-everyone-uses-another-case-of-nothing-works-ok-klarer-fall-von-nichts-funktioniert-ok/


#PeerTube : Erreur Cannot fetch remote information of this URL

Cannot fetch remote information of this URL
Impossible de récupérer l’information à distance de cette URL.

Une #erreur apparaît sur certaines instances, lorsqu’on essaye de #télécharger une #vidéo d’une #Instance vers une autre, en se servant de l’ #URL de la vidéo.
Cela fonctionne vers certaines instances, et bloque sur d’autres.
Quelqu’un a une idée de quel est le problème ? Pour indiquer quoi corriger à l’ #Admin administrateur de l’instance ?

#Numérique #LogicielLibre #Décentralisé

(redit du post, car aucun retour durant les congés d’été… )


Accès impossible sur une page #Yahoo! : option "tout refuser", absente.

Je fais une copie de l'encadré qui apparaît en cliquant sur un lien "Yahoo" :

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon media

Vos données. Votre expérience.

Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.

En cliquant sur « Tout accepter », vous consentez à ce que Verizon Media et ses partenaires stockent et/ou accèdent à des informations sur votre appareil par l’intermédiaire de cookies et technologies similaires, et traitent vos données personnelles, afin d’afficher des publicités et contenus personnalisés, mesurer les performances des publicités et contenus, analyser les audiences et développer les services.

Données personnelles pouvant être utilisées
- Informations relatives à votre compte, à votre appareil et à votre connexion internet, y compris votre adresse IP
- Informations relatives à votre navigation et historique de recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites web et applications de Verizon Media
- Localisation précise

Vous pouvez sélectionner l’option « Personnaliser mes choix » afin d’obtenir d’autres informations et de gérer vos préférences. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment en consultant Vos paramètres de vie privée. Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont nous utilisons vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique en matière de cookies. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur nos partenaires.

Tout accepter ... ... ... Personnaliser mes choix

Il n'y a pas l'option "Tout refuser" qui doit pourtant apparaître.
Et en cliquant sur "Personnaliser", faudrait décocher je ne sais combien d'items, et en plus, va savoir s'il est possible de valider si on décoche tout.

Donc accès impossible.
Un site de m... qui ne respecte pas les #règles.
Liens #URL à ne pas partager.

#Internet #Numérique #Données #Tracker #Trackers #Cookie #Cookies #PositionGPS #IP #Verizon #media #Politique


Voilà l'image que je vois à la place de la #vidéo du Figaro ! :)

Les #traceurs sur une page quelconque du " #Figaro" :

14 traceurs bloqués par uBlock Origin
5 traceurs bloqués par Privacy Badger
Soit 19 traceurs bloqués rien que sur cette page !!!!

Et tout ça avec des traceurs des #multinationales américaines (on a droit à la totale : #Amazon, #Google ...), sur un site de la #Presse française, qui appartient à un fabricant d' #armes, #Dassault .

Pensez à minima à nettoyer vos liens #URL, surtout si dans vos liens, vous voyez du fbclid= car c'est alors du #tracking de #Facebook.

#Cookie #Cookies #GAFAM #Surveillance #Numérique #Média #Médias #Français #France #uBlockOrigin #Privaybadger #Clearurls #Firefox #Add-ons #Add-on LogicielLibre