Former Federal Prosecutor Said Jim Jordan Committed A Federal Felony With His J6 Text Message That’s Punishable By Up To 20 Years In Prison

Several notable Republicans were busted in the recent revelations made by the January 6th House Committee regarding text messages that were sent to Trump’s now-former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during the infamous Capitol siege. Most reports have seemed to focus on the fact that many of those Republicans — such as Fox’s Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity, as well as Donald Trump’s own son, Don Jr. — were privately begging Meadows to do something to make Trump make it stop. Despite the fact that many of them went on to peddle the Big Lie to the American people in public.

However, not all of the text messages received by Meadows on that day had that panicked, desperate tone. Some of them remained loyal to the cause and were calling on the then Chief of Staff to push Vice President Mike Pence to blatantly ignore the US Constitution and help Donald Trump steal the 2020 presidential election.

One of those text messages came from Jim Jordan. ...
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