🇷🇸 In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung verurteilen @blindspots_ev, @frachcollective, @collective_aid, @klikaktivCRSP, @NoNameKitchen1 & @mvi_org #Serbien verurteilt die Zwangsräumungen im nordserbischen Grenzgebiet zu #Kroatien🇭🇷, #Ungarn🇭🇺 und #Rumänien🇷🇴.

Joint Statement on the evictions in Northern Serbia!<br><br>BL!ND SPOTS / frach collective / collective aid / MEDICAL VOLUNTEERS INTERNATIONAL / klikAktiv / NONAME KITCHEN<br><br>Joint Statement on Evictions in Northern Serbia:<br><br>We, the signatories, denounce the evictions of people on the move from informal settlements – squats – in the northern Serbian border region with Croatia, Hungary, and Romania. We strongly condemn the actions of the Serbian government supported by the EU and its member states. Evictions have forced hundreds of people into even more uncertainty amidst dropping temperatures and overcrowded state-run camps.<br><br>People on the move stay in abandoned buildings or sleep rough in flimsy tents in the northern Serbian border areas to reach places of safety in the EU.<br>Following evictions, Serbian police forces have transported them to official camps against their will. Many of these camps have been severely overcrowded for the past months. =>
<= This results in unhygienic conditions, lack of food, and even too little space to sleep.<br><br>The Serbian government has frequently used evictions and destruction of belongings to repress people on the move transiting through the country. Violent incidents between groups who were believed to be rivaling smuggling networks have been instrumentalized to justify evictions with severe consequences for hundreds of people.<br><br>The timing of the repressive evictions is also concerning. Although we acknowledge that the initial evictions were carried out as response to a violent incident, the ongoing indiscriminate destruction of structures which has caused many people only having minimum of shelters amidst looming winter shows a blatant disregard for people’s lives and health.<br><br>We strongly condemn the actions of the Serbian government as well as the EU and its member states that systematically restrict freedom of movement beyond EU borders. =>
<= Borders and the EU’s ambition to exploit and manage migration to the economic advantage of member states cause grave human rights violations:<br>We demand freedom of movement and safe migration routes for all and immediate end to violence against people on the move.<br><br>SUPPORT<br>PEOPLE ON THE MOVE<br><br>Fight for Freedom<br>of Movement



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