:: 46-049 [SG] Still Stuck ::

This be my OC, Tsumura and his new work attire. It's not a shirt, but it's not his usual style either since he still has to dress decently as a government employee. As long as he wears government colours, they shouldn't pick on him too much...

46-049 [SG] Still Stuck by Early Onion.jpg

Tsumura is stuck as a government employee with no way out. Technically, there is a way out, but staying in is always easier. This is what you get for being a gang member and messing with the government. While Vic gets transferred to the north, Tsumura will always be in the capital. Alone. Just the way they want him.

At least, they let him wear his goggles and remain staying at the government quarters.

★ If sharing/reposting outside of Diaspora, please credit me and link back to my dA page/post. Please do not use, edit, copy, trace, plagiarise, steal, and/or commercialise my work and/or characters in any way without my permission. Thank you.

#mywork #art #oc #originalcharacter #TJH #digitalart #krita #drawing #illustration #people #chibi


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