Sunday Edition :))

Rule # 1
#Truth = #DonOld #TrumpVIrus’ Kryptonite

Skimming the Sunday news buzz, there’s one HUGE story bubbling up now, the news yesterday and reactions today:

Trump’s 271-Page Dossier of JD Vance’s ‘Vulnerabilities’ Hacked by Iran

Remember the public and loud, lusty call from Dark Lord to hack and release incriminating Hillary emails?
“Russia, if you’re listening…”

Well, it turns out that - reported in a twist of #Karma by Lord Stable Genius himself - there was some new foreign-agent hacking going on, and this time its emails of #JDVance - suggesting something “big, really big” is in there, and this time Donald “thinks” differently.

Because Sir #TrumpVirus is now begging the (“fake” = #truth ) MSM not to report out any of the now-leaked memos.
Hm… how big could that blow up, if we #FollowTheMoney and smell from Vance up to the big boys?!

And why does Vance matter? Who picked him? Oh… So if the VP’s in the race don’t matter, what could go wrong?

Just saying… No time to dig more into the Interwebs now… that story reported by CNN and others across the #media spectrum.

Main Idea in a few reports (along with headlines like "Trump's Brain Explding)... the kind version:

A growing sense that “Trump is beginning to feel vulnerable.”

Ya think? Poor him. So unfair!

#Karma #justice #accountability #mindfulness vs. #GQP #cult #cognitive #Meltdown" #BrainSpurs