ex-military #RW #Remote #Viewer #LynBuchanan reported that he had RVed something very much like this back in 1998.

Here's a good #interview with him by researcher Linda Howe: #LMH

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=J3MP6KQL5bo

The section that features Buchanan is from 13:13—20:45. He said there'd be a marked #population #reduction between 2020—2050. By 2050, there'd be #no large #cities, a very greatly reduced population, and a largely agrarian society, Linda asked if it was war that would cause that, and Lyn said no, saying that the #food and the #atmosphere would be ' #poisoned', and also that climate change would play a part. He said that many other remote viewers 'saw' the same thing, over many sessions.

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