get out the #vote 2023

local #elections are where we have the most #power to make a difference -- right here in our own everyday lives

people make loud stands on social media, but if you really mean your fear and rage make sure you go out to the polls with people who need transportation or help navigating possible dangers; watch the poll watchers and intercede as prudent (also, ask around to find out what help people may need in your neighborhood to vote

it seems to generally be the nonvoters that are the bulk of the electorate -- abdication of #democracy

perhaps because we don't emphasize that voting is the minimum duty of #citizens in a democracy

or perhaps because we who claim our great concern about how our nation is run are not doing our due diligence in getting out the vote -- finding out what keeps people from voting and doing all we can to make it easier for them

what do we know about getting out the vote?

I know personal contact matters

peer pressure works

impress on people that they are voters, that this is part of their identity

invite people to ask for whatever help will make their voting easier -- child care, transportation, information about where/when to go and what they might need to bring

information about where/how to register, and help to do that

make it fun with get out the vote parties, after vote parties, strategy parties, community parties ("political parties" but the fun kind)

what else?

voting is not a privilege, or merely a right

voting is our basic duty as citizens in a democracy (or democratic republic)

attempting to prevent citizens from exercising our basic duty ought to be considered Treason

The obvious solution is to prove that people will no longer be voted into office by dissing their opponents and negative advertising. Rather, let's vote in the people who clearly show us what they can do to improve our lives, and let their opponents just look like the bullies they want to be.

don't see it as D v. R -- it's not about them: it's about us

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