

The Doctor would have called this a "fixed point in time". The choice has been made and how time proceeds past this point is dependent on it.

Great Quotes ✅ - 2024-04-21 22:49:52 GMT

The vote to help arm #Ukraine will likely go down as a hinge in history, a moment when freedom and decency triumphed over tyranny and evil. In that moment, the majority of #Republicans voted against freedom and decency. Never forget. Never forgive. Hold them #accountable — Stuart Stevens #quotes #quote #Vote


#news #frayeur #angoisse #vote #grand-âge #âge #réactionnaires #visite #médicale #élections #isoloir #divagations #sécurité #France #Macron
Je suis attablée à la terrasse de mon café favori, au soleil…c’est bon bon bon. Mes voisins, d’un âge plus que certain, discutent, apparemment sans leur sonotone, sur l’insécurité, le prix des carottes, les impôts, les dernières nouvelles de Macron, qui sauvera la France… etc.. J’écoute, sans écouter, perdue dans mes pensées en sirotant mon moka. Mais ces propos réactionnaires finissent par me chauffer les oreilles. Soudain une angoisse m’étreins. Mon Dieu, mon Dieu ! mais c’est bien sûr ! C’est eux qui votent majoritairement ! Fidèles à toutes les élections. Conservateurs dans l’âme, macronistes par conséquence. Si j’étais députée LFI je proposerai illico presto une loi pour rendre obligatoire une visite médicale poussée des plus de 70 ans avant le passage dans un isoloir où un choix cornélien, trop rapide et trop périlleux leur est demandé. Ça nous éviterai pas mal de divagations. (J’ai moi même 81 ans je sais de quoi je parle)


In setback to #Turkey’s #Erdogan, #opposition makes huge gains in local #election

Turkey’s main opposition party retained its control over key cities and made huge gains elsewhere in Sunday’s local elections, in a major upset to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who had set his sights on retaking control of those urban areas.

see: https://apnews.com/article/turkey-local-elections-erdogan-popularity-test-8adc4df56cdbce24f78900e1d142ff21

#news #vote #olitivs #democracy


Bad Romance: Women's Suffrage - VOTE!

Emmy recipient for Best Informational / Instructional Program
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Nashville/Midsouth Chapter, 2012

For lyrics and teaching resources visit: http://www.soomopublishing.com/suffrage

Bad Romance: Women's Suffrage is a parody music video paying homage to Alice Paul and the generations of brave women who joined together in the fight to pass the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote in 1920.




🦏 Babar le Rhino 🦏 sur X : "- 20 contre, 20 pour, rejeté - C'est faux, recomptez - Je refuse - L'article 44.2 vous y oblige - 21 contre, 23 pour, accordé @jmzulesi a gravement bafoué notre Démocratie et doit être exclu Les macronistes sont hors de l'Arc Démocrate @jdicajdisrien https://t.co/ 81BE5EITcl" / X

#politique #démocratie #vote #scandale #macronie #macronisme #jeanmarczulesi #compte

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#Film Les suffragettes #Cinéma
Disponible du 06/03/2024 au 12/03/2024

À travers la prise de conscience féministe d’une ouvrière londonienne, le récit vibrant de la lutte des #suffragettes anglaises pour arracher le droit de #vote des #femmes. Avec Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Brendan Gleeson, Ben Whishaw, et la participation de Meryl Streep.

#Féminisme #Travailleuses #Ouvrières #Luttes


US supreme #court ‘erred badly’ with #Trump ruling, leading US historian says

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/05/us-supreme-court-trump-ruling

“For historians,” the brief said, “contemporary evidence from the decision-makers who sponsored, backed and voted for the 14th amendment … demonstrates that decision-makers crafted section three to cover the president and to create an enduring check on insurrection, requiring no additional action from #Congress.”

On Monday the supreme court disagreed, saying in an unsigned opinion: “We conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But states have no power under the #constitution to enforce section three with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency.”

This makes it one of those democracies where there are draconian punishments for minor crimes that overcrowd the prisons, but those who attempt a #coup have nothing to fear.

#usa #America #politics #democracy #election #vote #news #law #crime #fail #problem


America First Committee

The #AmericaFirst Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States isolationist pressure group against American entry into World War II.


however, it was controversial for the anti-Semitic and pro-fascist views of some of its most prominent speakers, leaders, and members.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee

Trump has therefore deliberately focussed his #campaign on America First. This should make it clear to everyone where the #future will lead if he is elected. Don't say I didn't warn you.

#usa #America #politics #democracy #election #vote #president #racism #fascism #problem #nazi #Trump #history #ww2 #war #worldwar


Half of me is begging people to please go #vote especially in swing states if nothing more than for self preservation especially in terms of the climate, and the other half is like OMFG WHY ARE #DEMOCRATS ACTIVELY MAKING THIS HARDER AND HARDER FOR ME TO DEFEND THEM UNFORCED????


Electoral Commission chair calls out government on voter ID and finance loopholes

Chair of the Electoral Commission, expressed concerns about the government’s voter ID scheme and the threat to the Commission’s independence contained in the Elections Act, along with political finance loopholes.

Echoing many of the points we have made, Pullinger highlighted that the voter ID rules disproportionately affect some groups of people, making it easier for some people to vote than others.


#UK #VoterID #elections #ToryDictatorship #ToryFascism #FairVotes #vote #repression