Ka-boom! Breaking alternative facts from #GQP / #Fox via #Muskville

So here's the first Mucker Carlson creative effort at a new narrative. The "official" anti-#truth version of #Jan6 per #Fox / #GQP

Count on Twitter to Amplify the Big Lie's biggest new lie/narrative

So, not to sound as idiotic as him, hopefully... OK, let's say the Q shaman was in fact "chaperoned"? (Or maybe carefully followed as things grew tense and reinforcements nil...) Was this what they planned? Were they ordered to deliver him to the Chamber, to defile it? As the Capitol had now been breached and people were chanting to hang Mike Pence and capture Pelosi... were these police officers complicit, part of say, Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, known to have some fans in some police ranks?

Who are these uniformed officers? What were they actually doing? Any reality-based context at all? What if they really did escort him safely & directly, and they were part of the conspiracy? Shouldn't they be arrested & charged with the others in the #sedition of #Jan6?

Maybe Carlson and the #disinformation network he fronts for, might see some #karma here, with some unintended consequences.