diaspora* freeze

We froze diaspora* minor release Please check the Changelog for more information on changes included in this release.

If you are running your own pod, please help us test the RC before the minor gets released next Sunday. To get the code, run git pull; git checkout next-minor on your development pod. Please be aware that this is a release candidate and, although we did careful testing, bugs may occur. You can follow the usual update instructions to get your testing system updated, with a few minor differences:

  • We updated the recommended ruby version to 2.7, if you installed diaspora using our guide, then you can install that using rvm install 2.7 instead of rvm install 2.6.
  • We updated to bundler 2, so please use gem install bundler:2.1.4 instead of gem install bundler:1.17.3

The update guide will be updated when is officially released.

#diaspora #announcement #release #candidate #07180