

FreeCAD :freecad: - 2024-04-29 17:31:18 GMT

Vote for a new FreeCAD logo
There have been 46 submissions to the new FreeCAD logo contest. The user poll is closing on May 1 (this Wednesday). You can still pick your top 5 entries. The 5 winning submissions will then be submitted to the maintainers team for the final voting.


#Microsoft offers legal #protection for #AI #copyright infringement challenges

Source: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/09/microsoft-offers-legal-protection-for-ai-copyright-infringement-challenges/

Microsoft's #announcement comes as generative AI tools like #ChatGPT have raised concerns about reproducing copyrighted material without proper attribution. Microsoft has heavily invested in AI through products like #GitHub #Copilot and #Bing Chat that can generate original code, text, and images on demand. Its AI models have gained these capabilities by scraping publicly available data off of the #Internet without seeking express #permission from copyright holders.

Now we know what #PirateBay made wrong:

They were not a multi million startup with a global company as a sponsor. So what they did was #piracy. But if #ChatGPT copies the whole internet it's a business model.

#news #law #business #economy #politics #copy


Ahoy! Nur eine kurze Ankündigung: Zum Ende des Jahres werden wir mit den monatlich wechselnden Tiermotiven im Header aufhören. Uns sind die Motive ausgegangen, und der Aufwand steht inzwischen nicht mehr wirklich in Relation zum anscheinenden Interesse hier. Die Dia-Infoseite werden wir dann in eine Archiv-Seite umwandeln, die Möglichkeit, sich ein eigenes Dia auszusuchen, entfällt damit auch im Januar.

Hi there, short announcement time: as this year comes to an end, we'll no longer have monthly switching animals in our header. We kinda ran out of good source material, and it's been a while since anyone showed significant interest here, so the effort isn't really worth it. The infopage will turn into a static archive, which means the ability to select a custom Dia will also be gone in January.

#geraspora #announcement


#podmin #diaspora #dapor #announcement

Viele dürften es schon mitbekommen haben:

pod.dapor.net wird zum 13.12.2023 eingestellt

Gründe dafür gibt es viele, aber kurz zusammengefasst:

  • Zeitmangel
  • berufliche Anforderungen (Ü2-Überprüfung)
  • Anpassung meiner persönlichen Hobbies

Ich danke allen, die den Pod genutzt haben.

@Gerhard Hallstein Ich habe den Termin eingeplant


Redditors #prank #AI - powered #news mill with “Glorbo” in World of #Warcraft

source: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/07/redditors-prank-ai-powered-news-mill-with-glorbo-in-world-of-warcraft/

On Thursday, a Reddit user named kaefer_kriegerin posted a #fake #announcement on the World of Warcraft subreddit about the introduction of "Glorbo" to the game. #Glorbo isn't real, but the post successfully exposed a #website that scrapes Reddit for news in an automated fashion with little human oversight.

#fakenews #technology #journalism #press #web #game #gmaer #manipulation #fail #wtf #omg


diaspora* security release!

We just released a new diaspora* version, which addresses possible security issues when processing images uploaded by users that is affecting some system configurations.

This fix was heavily inspired by Mastodon's fix for GHSA-9928-3cp5-93fm, and while diaspora*s attack surface is significantly smaller and some operating systems do ship a restrictive ImageMagick policy, this release makes sure that everyone is safe.

Thank you Cure53 for finding this issue, thank you Mozilla for paying Cure53 to look into it, and thanks for Mastodon for fixing it.


For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. As that this update includes security fixes, please update as soon as possible.

If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!

#diaspora #announcement #release #07182