Gaussian splatting: A new technique for rendering 3D scenes -- a successor to neural radiance fields (NeRF). In traditional computer graphics, scenes are represented as meshes of polygons. The polygons have a surface that reflects light, and the GPU will calculate what angle the light hits the polygons and how the polygon surface affects the reflected light -- color, diffusion, transparency, etc.

In the world of neural radiance fields (NeRF), a neural network, trained on a set of photos from a scene, will be asked: from this point in space, with the light ray going in this direction, how should the pixel rendered to the screen be colored? In other words, you are challenging a neural network to learn ray tracing. The neural network is challenged to learn all the details of the scene and store those in its parameters. It's a crazy idea, but it works. But it also has limitations -- you can't view the scene from an angle very far from the original photos, it doesn't work for scenes that are too large, and so on. At no point does it ever translate the scene into traditional computer graphics meshes, so the scene can't be used in a video game or anything like that.

The new technique goes by the unglamorous name "Gaussian splatting". This time, instead of asking for a neural network to tell you the result of a ray trace, you're asking it, initially, to render the scene as a "point cloud" -- that is to say, simply a collection of points, not even polygons. This is just the first step. Once you have the initial point cloud, then you switch to Gaussians.

The concept of a 3D "Gaussian" may take a minute to wrap your brain around. We're all familiar with the "bell curve", also called the normal distribution, also called the Gaussian distribution. This function is a function of 1 dimension, that is to say, G = f(x). To make the 3D Gaussian, you do that with all 3 dimensions. So G = f(x, y, z).

Not only that, but they make a big issue in the paper about the fact that their 3D Gaussians are "anisotropic". What this means is that they are not nice, spherical gaussians, but rather, they are stretched -- and have a direction. When rendering 3D graphics, many materials are directional, such as wood grain, brushed metal, fabric, and hair. They even have further uses, such as for scenes where the light source is not spherical, the viewing angle is very oblique, the texture is viewed from a sharp angle, and scenes that have sharp edges.

At this point you might be thinking: this all sounds a lot more complicated than simple polygons. What does using 3D Gaussians get us? The answer is that, unlike polygons, 3D Gaussians are differentiable. That magic word means you can calculate a gradient, which you might remember from your calculus class. Having a gradient means you can train it using stochastic gradient descent -- in other words, you can train it with standard deep learning training techniques. Now you've brought your 3D representation into the world of neural networks.

Even so, more cleverness is required to make the system work. The researchers made a special training system that enables geometry to be created, deleted, or moved within a scene, because, inevitably, geometry gets incorrectly placed due to the ambiguities of the initial 3D to 2D projection. After every 100 iterations, Gaussians that are "essentially transparent" are removed, while new ones are added to "densify" and fill gaps in the scene. To do this, they made an algorithm to detect regions that are not yet well reconstructed.

With these in place, the training system generates 2D images and compares them to the training views provided, and iterates until it can render them well.

To do the rendering, they developed their own fast renderer for Gaussians, which is where the word "splats" in the name comes from. When the Gaussians are rendered, they are called "splats". The reason they took the trouble to create their own rendering system was -- you guessed it -- to make the entire rendering pipeline differentiable.

3D Gaussian Splatting for real-time radiance field rendering - Inria/GraphDeco GraphDeco Inria Research Group

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