The Rise of AI - The Go match - that sparked China's AI frenzy

Go is said to be a game unlike chess – more like geopolitics – the goal is to slowly encircle thy enemy.

It is said, that in Go there are more move-combinations than Atoms in the known universe.

When AlphaGo (a computer program created by Google) defeated the best human Go player in the world, it sparked a Chinese AI frenzy

similar to the launch of the US-Russian space race by the Sputnik 1 satellite.

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“Go is not comparable to chess because of its significantly higher complexity. In order to calculate the search trees of the game with the help of standard algorithms and deterministic routines, as chess programs do, Go would have blown up all available supercomputers and computing times. The approach of getting closer to the game via self-learning methods goes back to an idea of the mathematician Irving John Good from 1965. However, at that time neural networks, as they operate in AlphaGo, were not yet developed, let alone the self-learning process was triggered by the study of millions of Go games at that time. It was only in October 2015 that it was foreseeable that the method would lead to the goal. It was then that AlphaGo beat the European go champion Fan Hui.”

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what does Elon say?


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(the user might be able to find the ebook somewhere in the fast internet universe)

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