Rally Support for Jon Stewart's #Presidential #Candidacy

Started by

December 16, 2023

Sign this #petition and be the first to add your comment.

..." This petition is not just about electing a new president; it's about choosing someone who can bring us together in these divisive times.

#JonStewart is known for his tenure as host of The Daily Show where he used satire to shed light on important issues. He has shown time and again that he understands the complexities of our political landscape and isn't afraid to call out hypocrisy where he sees it. His commitment to truth-telling could bring a refreshing change to our political discourse.

Moreover, as someone who isn't an established politician, Jon Stewart brings a unique perspective that could challenge the status quo in Washington D.C., potentially leading to more innovative solutions to our nation's problems.

This petition aims at gauging interest in such a candidacy. If you believe like me that Jon Stewart would be an excellent choice for president, please sign this petition and let your voice be heard!"...

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