War for profiting

It is important to know who are those who like to win.

According to the Monitor, “Ukraine has become a giant testing ground for #drones from all over the world – the United States, #Germany, #Poland, and other partner countries. Countless new companies are taking shape around the technology; teams of engineers are tinkering on prototypes, trying to clear the Ministry of Defense and NATO checklists of technical requirements, hoping to nail a military contract…Oleksandr Yakovenko, CEO of TAF Drones [said] the company already has four factories spread out across #Ukraine – despite suffering a sabotage attack that destroyed equipment worth $300,000 in July. The bulk of its supplies (90%) come from #China or #Taiwan. The remainder comes from suppliers in #Europe and the #US. ‘We have to create products that are cheaper than the targets,’ he says. ‘Otherwise, we will not win because our #enemy has more resources than our country.’ ”

#UK government records for a parallel-named Piranha Tech company, operating in the Liverpool area on “computer related activities” and “information technology consultancy activities”, indicate the possibility that the #Israel'is and their Ukrainian partners were considering a British company front during their start-up.

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