ATTO Disk Benchmark Result Samsung 980 Pro PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD 500GB MZ-V8P500BW on older ASUS Mainboard (i5)

because Win 10 compared to Win 7 is incredibly slow, a way to upgrade an older ASUS Mainboard was found

  • RAM was increased from 8 GB to 32 GB
  • it actually had an M.2 slot for the MZ-V8P500BW NVMe SSD (it is a NVMe but not directly PCIe attached but speaks to mainboard via SATA (SSD))

while not close to the theoreticall possible speeds of:

Read: 6,900 MB/s

Write: 5,000 MB/s

(src: do they mean Bits or Bytes here?)

imho those are impressive harddisk speeds, well done Samsung 🙂

the user can try finding that NVMe SSD on ebay

when it comes to harddisk benchmarks, ATTO is probably “better” than CrystalDiskMark as Crystal seems to actually meassure RAM-cached-harddisk-speeds?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #nvme #ssd #benchmark #samsung #harddisk #bench #upgrades #upgrade

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