Swedish minister wants to cancel permanent residency and deport those who carry the flag of Hezbollah or Hamas in Sweden.

Not only the flag of Hamas, but also any support for the Hamas leader or Hezbollah fighters.

Media have watered down his words who is far worse than what Germany suggested to demand those who want to become German citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel (kind of), but the Swedish migration minister want to push their agenda to cleanse the Swedish society from non nordic inhabitants, but starting the cleansing process by removing those who "glorify and celebrate terrorism".

"Runt om i Sverige hyllas terrorledare, bland annat i demonstrationståg mot Israels krig i Gaza. Nu vill migrationsminister Johan Forssell (M) kunna utvisa dem som viftar med terrorflaggor.
– Ägnar man sig åt terrorromantik och sprider antisemitism, och inte är svensk medborgare, då ska man lämna Sverige, säger han."

Anyone who wants to become a swedish citizen "must be well behaved and willing to embrace Swedish values" , in his case the Swedish values are tolerance and cooperation with neo Nazis and right wing extremists.

#Sweden #Fascism #Politics #Imigration #Citizenship #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Hamas #Hezbollah #Svpol

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