#Revolution missing in the #movie “Dumb Money”

source: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/792293-dumb-money

This movie is probably the most miserable attempt to sell a pathetic trick as a revolution!

Some have become rich with the stocks and a hedge fund has been hit, but where is the revolution and redistribution? It’s not about taking advantage of a pathetic trick to get rich yourself, but about smashing the exploitative #system. The question of whether the criminals from Wall Street were even allowed to stop trading and block the app was not clarified at all. How are you supposed to defeat them if they keep changing the game rules in their favor?

The movie is probably the worst kind of spoof of wanna-be revolutionaries.

#cinema #entertainment #exploitation #WallStreet #Finanace #Gamestop #economy #politics #money #fail #news #capitalism #crime #rich #wealth #power #internet #hedgefond