head stuck in the wall street...
#head #stuck #wallstreet #wall #briefcase #suits #sculpture #streetart
head stuck in the wall street...
#head #stuck #wallstreet #wall #briefcase #suits #sculpture #streetart
Thomas Ramge spricht mit Tom Kirschbaum, Co-GrĂŒnder von door2door, einem Berliner Mobility Start-up. đïž#Verkehr #Daten #Datenströme #Verkehrsströme #GrĂŒnder #Börsengang #Wallstreet #ThomasRamge #DrTomKirschbaum #door2door #ITTech #ErdeUmwelt
SPRIND: Können Datenströme die Verkehrsströme wirklich viel besser lenken?
Russland - Warum US-Journalist Evan Gershkovich vor Gericht steht
Nach mehr als einem Jahr in Untersuchungshaft hat der Spionageprozess gegen Evan Gershkovich in Jekaterinenburg begonnen. Der Vorwurf: Spionage.#EvanGershkovich #Spionage #Jekaterinenburg #RUSSLAND #WallStreet
Russland: Warum US-Journalist Evan Gershkovich vor Gericht steht
source: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/792293-dumb-money
This movie is probably the most miserable attempt to sell a pathetic trick as a revolution!
Some have become rich with the stocks and a hedge fund has been hit, but where is the revolution and redistribution? Itâs not about taking advantage of a pathetic trick to get rich yourself, but about smashing the exploitative #system. The question of whether the criminals from Wall Street were even allowed to stop trading and block the app was not clarified at all. How are you supposed to defeat them if they keep changing the game rules in their favor?
The movie is probably the worst kind of spoof of wanna-be revolutionaries.
#cinema #entertainment #exploitation #WallStreet #Finanace #Gamestop #economy #politics #money #fail #news #capitalism #crime #rich #wealth #power #internet #hedgefond
Des pseudo #journalistes #criminels nous ont fait croire pendant vingt ans que l' #horreur de l' #affaire #Epstein n'Ă©tait qu'une fumeuse " #thĂ©orie du #complot", de mĂȘme de toute idĂ©e qu'il y eĂ»t dans le monde des #rĂ©seaux puissants et organisĂ©s consacrĂ©s entiĂšrement au #trafic le plus #immonde, le plus #sordide et le plus #abominable qui soit: celui des #enfants. Las! Si le vrai #journaliste doit se faire appeler #complotiste, qu'il en soit ainsi, et que ce titre soit aujourd'hui le plus #noble, le plus #hĂ©roĂŻque et le plus #courageux qui soit!
D'une part l' #Université de #Stanford et le #WallStreet #Journal viennent de révéler l'existence d'un réseau #pédocriminel massif sur #Instagram, dans lequel les #enfants, réduits à l'état de marchandises, étaient appelés des "pizzas" - ce qui n'est pas sans rappeler une autre "théorie du complot" tant fustigée par les criminels pseudojournalistes qui se reconnaßtront par delà leur honte.
D'autre part #MelGibson vient de sortir, aprĂšs avoir passĂ© de trĂšs nombreux obstacles aussi suspects qu'insensĂ©s, un #film #choc tirĂ© de l' #histoire #vraie du #hĂ©ros #anti-pĂ©docriminalitĂ© #TimBallard. Si ce film #censurĂ© de partout a dĂ©passĂ© les scores du dernier (et pitoyable) Indiana Jones, la rĂ©action des #MĂ©dia de Grand Chemin est Ă vomir: du #Guardian Ă #CNN en passant par la #BBC, on est prompt Ă disqualifier ce courageux ouvrage cinĂ©matographique de "thĂ©orie du complot Qanoniste". Le #trafic #international d'enfants est bien rĂ©el, il bĂ©nĂ©ficie bien Ă des rĂ©seaux extrĂȘmement puissants, comme nous le rappelle Karl ZĂ©ro qui lutte contre lui depuis dix ans.
In den Streit um eine Ăbernahme des Kurzbotschaftendienstes durch High-Tech-MultimilliardĂ€r Elon Musk kommt Bewegung: Er wolle Twitter nun doch kaufen, heiĂt es. Und gĂŒnstiger soll es auch nicht werden.#Twitter #ElonMusk #Ăbernahme #Tesla #WallStreet #Kurssprung #Internet #SozialeMedien
Weitere Kehrtwende von Musk bei Twitter? | DW | 04.10.2022
Klaus Schwab + Friedrich Nietzsche + Corporatism = Neonietzscheanism.
#klausschwab #schwab #davos #wef #worldeconomicforum #partyofdavos #builderberg #nietzscheanism #ygls #ygl #younggloballeaders #greatreset #thegreatreset #multipoleworldorder #buildbackbetter #nwo #globalelites #newworldorder #friedrichnietzsche #neonietzscheanism #rulebyelites #rulebytheelite #eliterule #elitism #uk #cityoflondon #manhattan #newyork #wallstreet #harvard #oxford #usa #globalism #neoliberalglobalism #un #globalgovernence #meme #memes
#UnitedStates Government #Debt has just officially crossed 30 trillion dollars. Don't worry, #wallstreet tells you... we have a #fakeeconomy where losing companies have their valuation faked (increased) by a factor of 10... by gambling with people's savings https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt
#wallstreet is like that street game, where actors are meant to give you confidence you can beat the odds. But once you put your money down, eventually, you realise the odds are stacked against you. They just wanted to entice you to give your money AWAY.
â NEWS â #TheNation â As Child Tax Payments Expire, Struggling Families Are Desperate https://www.thenation.com/article/society/child-tax-payments-biden/ a rotting economy, where all the remaining capital (savers') is now funneled into #WallStreet #gambling where only inside(rs) traders can escape imminent collapse
Waste of money. Welcome to #wallstreet Times, aka #nytimes https://www.theregister.com/2022/02/01/wordle_nyt_buyout/
â NEWS â #CounterPunch â A #WallStreet Veteran Speaks Out â Bubbles & the Planet https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/01/a-wall-street-veteran-speaks-out-bubbles-the-planet/
This is what #pumpAndDump looks like at #seekingalpha https://seekingalpha.com/article/4481143-adobe-stock-buy-fair-price #wallstreet = one GIANT bubble propped up by public debt (about 7,000 BILLION dollars since COVID-19 broke out): https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt
#wallstreet outfit #clownflare wants to expands its mass #surveillance operations to east #asia https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/24/cloudflare_singapore_asia_expansion/ #espionage #www
#NYTimes as voice of #wallstreet https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/22/business/economy/inflation-biden-pandemic.html maybe borrowing over 30 TRILLION dollars to hand those over to the rich sort of... you know... deflates the currency? (To prop up Wall Street) https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt
#nytimes for 'poor' #wallstreet ... which control #federalreserve by proxy anyway https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/01/25/business/stock-market-economy-news
#wallstreet #fraud is OK, as long as only 'responsible adults' from Wall Street do it https://fortune.com/2022/01/27/gamestop-trading-frenzy-anniversary-retail-investors-shaping-markets/ #gamestop