#eu #sanctions first ... all programmed long before the war began #vdl


and any hope in #lng ? #grüne look at that link in the commentary and translated the German commentary
EU vs. Russland, ein Killer Link:

EU vs Russia, a killer link:

There are 400 ships.
The prices colocated are understated by a factor of 3.
The infrastructure is not even financed yet.
What? No. You start building when you have money.
Yes, the EU states should invest.
Yes. Building ships would also be good.
No. There are no guarantees, of course.
It would be best if the EU would take over all the junk with which the USA has been ruining the country for 8 years and which has never made a profit.
Then the EU would pay for the damage to nature and the human infrastructure and provide the affected areas (no, not communities, these are huge areas) with drinking water supplies.
What? No, there is no water, otherwise the USA would do it themselves, they have a drought right now.
That's where we found the best provider in the world.
Not only the most expensive, but also the worst ...
Take a look at the statistics of the "drills" and the active and in reserve and then after that what capital is in there and has to be pulled out again with interest, it will make you dizzy.
Entire financial systems in the USA are built on the shale gas bet.
And Europe has just lost this bet.
Waiter, the bill please!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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