Howshë´a` 6

  1. "Let's be transferred to Yisrâ’ë´l, and let's return back up, all Yisrâ’ë´l with regard for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, of the One (m.) not being the mighty one of ’aharón (light-carrier/lucifer) of ye, because this one [~Yehuwthâ´h] is the same one: the son who has seized for himself Yisrâ’ë´l, but He will cure us; to raise up in the middle (Resurrect), it [~the impostor] shall strike down Yisrâ’ë´l, but He will bind up the wounds of us! [5 Moshéh 32:39-40] 2. He will restore us amidst no one of Yisrâ’ë´l, two being the days [2,000 years (4001-6001)] among the ones (m.) within Yisrâ’ë´l. Not being the one (f.) belonging to the Day [~middle Yisrâ’ë´l not being the Light (1 Moshéh 1:5)], not being the one (f.) [~unpaired néphesh (f.) – Yisrâ’ë´l underneath] belonging to the third one (f.) (6001-7000): we shall stand up in the middle of Yisrâ’ë´l, [Disclosure 11:12] and we shall live by means of the vision-Source of Yisrâ’ë´l of the same One, the Son 3. also of Yisrâ’ë´l we shall acknowledge, we shall run after the ones (m.) not to acknowledge, of the one not being Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa! As the daybreak battle being prepared ready, we shall accordingly find the same One being the Son of Yisrâ’ë´l, and He shall have come/arrived/been present like the rain (m.), with us, the early autumnal showering (m.) ("the One casting") of Yisrâ’ë´l [~Yâhuwshúa, born 1st day Feast of Tabernacles], and the late spring showering (m.) ("the one gleaning") the one (f.) [~forsaken sister, Yisrâ’ë´l underneath] not belonging to the Land in Truth." [~the Witnesses, Marriage Supper of the Lamb]

[not decoded]

Sure, then, but while He waits for us, the offenses pile up 4.What should I do for you, ’Ephráyim? What should I do for you, "Yehuwthâ´h", when your (pl.) kindness is like the morning fog and like the early-morning dew which goes away? 5. Due to this, I shall have mown down your preilluminators; I will have slain them with the Word of My mouth, so your legal right to Light would emerge 6. because kindness I desire and not slaughter, and the acknowledgment of the Power instead of entire-burnt-offerings, [MattithYâ´huw 9:13] 7. but they are like a dirt-man who violated a covenant, there [re. v. 6, the covenant of acknowledgment] they have acted treacherously against Me; 8. Gal'ë´th (Witness heap) is a city of the workers of the Wicked Trouble (LXX: Vanity) supplanting the water, [YirmYâ´huw 2:13] 9. so like a plundering band waiting in ambush for an existing man (’iysh) [(name-professing believer) Glad Tidings of the Truth], they would assassinate a community of priests of The Way [of Yâ-hwéh] unanimously, because they have worked an evil plan 10. about the house of Yisrâ’ë´l, I have seen a premeditated horror there: Prostitution is [planned] for ’Ephráyim, Yisrâ’ë´l will have defiled itself! The evil plan, the premeditated horror: 11. Indeed Yehuwthâ´h [the impostor and the traitor] shall have appointed a mowing for you [defiled Yisrâ’ë´l (v. 10)] with My restoring the captivity of My people [1st resurrection]...

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