We are failing them.

Again, and again and again

Their misery is no longer even reported or cared.

But people through tons of cash to save the poor dogs and cats or Ukraine.

Talking about their cause, put you in the "shadow ban" and ignored list of most moral people with Ukraine flag on their profile.

In the mean time, an astronomical number of people acrossethe world has pushed into extreme powerrt, hunger and death because of our lack of action to stop the climate change, disgusting profiteering of corporations after Ukraine conflict and the massive cuts in world's funding to help those in real need.

The immoral world has finally found a cause to paint itself moral while turning a blind eye on the death and misery of 100f of millions of people in Africa, Asia and South/Central America.

#Famine #Water #Draught #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimatrCatasttophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate

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