Vienna Opera House at Night

Vienna Opera House (Wiener Staatsoper)

Always a hub of activity in the center of Vienna, passersby are often treated to free samples from opera musicians and/or street performers. In late summer 2022 the performance schedule had just begun to bring back live concerts (post-pandemic) but even as the first shows were announced, the music took to the streets.

A very short clip, the music indistinct, with a pan around that spot so you can see a bit of the Kärntner Ring (circling the city center) and Hotel Sacher, home of THE Sacher torte. Mm.


I've not yet had a chance to create a web collection - as I do for several travel destinations [ ] but you can see my work-in-progress - still photography of Vienna - on Flickr - @

#MyPhoto #MyVideo #Fenfotos #Vienna #Wien #Opera #OperaHouse #music #WienerStaatsoper #travel #photography

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