Thin-sliced review:
#History in real-time.

⨊: Announced Monday evening by Lord #TrumpVirus himself, complaining that ‘this has never happened before!’ (#accountability anyone?) They’re raiding my beautiful home! To which the reaction was: no President has ever committed so much crime and flagrantly ignored the Federal Presidential Records Act law and stolen documents and things of that nature…

Here is historian Michael Beschloss on how Aug 8 was “historic”- twice now. Once before on this exact date in 1974, a reckoning with reality and #truth led inexorably to the resignation of Richard. Nixon. August 8, 1974. Game over. Fast forward Aug 8, 2022:

FBI searches Trump home on Nixon resignation speech anniversary

For a few years of grift and organized, #GQP sanctioned & enabled #sedition… it wasn’t an 18 minute gap but blatant criminal theft of US history. It’s what every President is told beforehand, US law meant to prevent pilfering secrets and public treasures of THE office.

Dr. Mary Trump just supposed her uncle is surprised. This has never happened before. (Imagining Seth Meyers: “MEL!”)
Trapped? Who can defend &/or offend? Mark Meadows! Um… Hey Florida. Hello, who is the governor? Why can’t the FBI be stopped? I thought you were my friend…

I concur with Beschloss ~ compared to Trump, Nixon looks like an angel.
And legal analyst Neal Katyal noted how this is historic in a legal sense too, beyond being a “president”, just the Boss & #GQP

Historic because this is not only a case of bigly violating the Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, which can lead to prison &/or banishment from any public office… but it is an ex-President ‘like nobody’s ever seen before’, with a long, never-caught-yet criminal past, AND, it looks like DOJ is really rolling out, armed with every tool, every i dotted, t crossed.

And what is the "leader of the [brain] free world bellowing (not that the country is about him, is it?)
He is whining: “They took my safe!

It gets stranger, maybe more predictable. (horse hoofs) Here’s wing-man Kevin McCarthy, saying he’ll sue the DOJ…
#Vote #MakeAmericaSaneAgain

#Karma #justice #accountability

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