They want to create a #FASCIST alternative to #EU: #LePen to #Meloni: Let’s team up and form EU #Parliament’s No. 2 group

On the eve of next week’s EU #election, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen is inviting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to team up and form a right-wing super-grouping that would be the second-biggest party bloc in the European Parliament.

The far right is projected to perform well in the June 6-9 election but there are still intense doubts about which parties would be able to work together as cross-border political groups — because many of the national parties are sharply divided — especially over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The latest projections suggest 68 seats for ID and 71 for ECR, making 139 lawmakers in the 720-seat chamber. #AfD is on course for 17 seats and the unaffiliated Hungarian Fidesz party currently has 12 MEPs. All together, something over 165 seats would seem to be in play for the (currently disunited) far right.

#France #Italy #Germany #Hungary #Fascism #Europe

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