

How TikTok bots and AI have powered a resurgence in UK far-right violence

Less than three hours after the stabbing attack on Monday that led to the death of three children, an AI-generated image was shared on X by an account called Europe Invasion. It depicted bearded men in traditional Muslim dress outside the Houses of Parliament, one waving a knife, behind a crying child in a union jack T-shirt.

The tweet, which has since been viewed 900,000 times, was captioned: “We must protect our children!” and shared by one of the most potent accounts for misinformation about the #Southport stabbings.

Experts have warned that new tools and ways of organising have seen Britain’s fractured far right exploit the Southport attack to unify and rejuvenate its presence on the streets.

In a surge of activity not seen for years, more than 10 protests are being promoted across social media platforms such as X, TikTok and Facebook in the aftermath of violent disorder up and down the country.


#UK #UnitedKingdom #FarRight #fascism #fascist #England #AI #SocialMedia #Muslim #stabbing #violence


My wife told me "Bookmark it!"

She's pretty engaged in efforts to oppose a #fascist takeover.


#Autocracy #threat #tracker

P.S. autocracy /ô-tŏk′rə-sē/

  • Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism.
  • A country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power.
  • Independent or self-derived power; absolute or controlling authority; supremacy.

They want to create a #FASCIST alternative to #EU: #LePen to #Meloni: Let’s team up and form EU #Parliament’s No. 2 group

On the eve of next week’s EU #election, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen is inviting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to team up and form a right-wing super-grouping that would be the second-biggest party bloc in the European Parliament.

The far right is projected to perform well in the June 6-9 election but there are still intense doubts about which parties would be able to work together as cross-border political groups — because many of the national parties are sharply divided — especially over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The latest projections suggest 68 seats for ID and 71 for ECR, making 139 lawmakers in the 720-seat chamber. #AfD is on course for 17 seats and the unaffiliated Hungarian Fidesz party currently has 12 MEPs. All together, something over 165 seats would seem to be in play for the (currently disunited) far right.

#France #Italy #Germany #Hungary #Fascism #Europe


The next episodes of The #Democracy #Show will be coming soon.

"While in #Argentina the life of its inhabitants deteriorates, we continue to pay the absurd decisions of an 'ambassador of light' that is leaving us in the dark," said Fernández, alluding to the recognition as "international ambassador of light" that the Miami Jewish community gave to #Milei.

Milein traveled last Thursday on the presidential plane to #Spain, which is his first official visit to the European country, although he does not plan to meet with Felipe VI or government authorities, but it will participate in the annual convention of the #far-right party and #fascist tendencies #Vox.

"Milei travels with state money to a world fascism rally. That happens as your salary gets depressed and registered employment breaks. Do we understand that Argentine development and the #welfare of the people are #not in their plans?" Alberto Fernández asked the current president.

source and more


Transcript from an interview with Keren Levy, an Israeli real estate agent in 2009:

Keren: They Chose #Hamas to rule them, it's their fault, they got it to where it is now

Reporter: Don't you think it gets worse bombing them?

Keren: No I think that is the only solution, I think they should just clear off all the city, just take it off the ground.

Keren: Yes I'm a little bit #fascist.




Hopefully in the future we will all see clearly if it does die down, that #freespeechabsolutist just means #fascist, or fascist enablers. Karl Popper tackled this issues decades ago but few in the US was aware of his existence so #freespeech absolutism sounded like a good thing because the #freemarket of ideas in reality works just as well as the economic free market, If you are on top you can break the rules to ensure both are rigged and not free.


#quebec #censure #histoire #fascist

Alexandre de Sève, le fondateur de Télé-Métropole, ne se contente pas de censurer des scènes des films qu'il présente au public québécois. Il refait le montage des films à sa guise et tourne même, en studio à Montréal, des scènes inédites. Il transforme notamment le suicide d'un personnage du film Orage (1938), du Français Marc Allégret, en simple fuite vers une autre ville. La lettre de suicide censurée est remplacée par une missive d'une tout autre nature... rédigée par le chanoine Adélard Arbour.


Sirens blare in Spanish civil war town of Guernica in solidarity with Gaza | AJ #shorts

Hear the moment an air raid siren blares in Guernica, Spain as protesters form the Palestinian flag in the same market square that was bombed by Nazi and fas...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Guernica #Nazi #Palestinian #Spanish #air #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #blares #civil #fascist #flag #latestnews #newsheadlines #protesters #raid #siren #war
Sirens blare in Spanish civil war town of Guernica in solidarity with Gaza | AJ #shorts


The Republi-Fascist Specter Looms - CounterPunch

It is darkly comedic to think that I used to catch Hell from left-identified folks (usually older white males) for making the obviously accurate observation that then United States (US) President Donald “Stand By, Proud Boys” Trump and Trumpism were fascist. (“You have Trump Derangement Syndrome!,” “Stop Crying Wolf!,” “This Isn’t the Third Reich,” etc.)

#Trump #fascism #fascist #GOP #Germany1933 #HistoryRhymes


This is not #Gaza, this has nothing to do with #Hamas. This is in occupied West Bank which is internationally recognized as Palestinian land, but it doesn't stop the fascist #IDF to destroy symbols and infrastructure and roads of Palestine.

Video reportedly from #Tulkaram today where #fascist occupation #boldozer destroying a statue in the town.

This is the act of our of control faacist army who knows they can't be held accountable no matter what they do.

This is the fucking madness that #EU and #US are supporting unconditionally.
Video available on my telegram channel; https://t.me/newsvideofa/56

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow