Not a war crime, no investigation needed, it is the words of Ukrainian taken as fact. Convoy of civilian cars bombed and destroyed by Ukrainian military who proudly shares it on twitter.

#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineWar #Politics #WarCrime

#Lyman. Russian convoy was trying to get out of encirclement unsuccessfully, taking their looted things with them.

No sign of any military vehicles, no sign of Z on the civilian cars, but no western media question this.
This is the disgusting repeat of Desert Storm where US slaughtered 1000s of Iraqis fleeing Kuwait and CNN broadcasted it with pride.

At least here, they had the decency to blur the dead bodies.

This is the ugly side of the war they ignore or support.

Watch the video and see for yourself, it is not shared by a Russian troll, it is shared by "Anton Gerashchenko": as he describe himself on Twitter:

Ukrainian patriot. Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Founder of the Institute of the Future. Official enemy of Russian propaganda

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