"Hey Straight White Men Pass The Power!"

by #Artichoke #Trust.

#Toynbee #Studios,
28 #Commercial St,
#London E1 6AB

020 7650 7611

email: emily.lake@artichoke.uk.com

Helen Marriage
Richard Kitson
Janice Evelyn Boud
Ruth Hogarth
Stephanie Flanders
Allan Cook
Dalwardin Babu

#Charitable objects:
"To advance the #education of the #public in the #arts, including the arts of #music, #speech, #drama and #dance, in all their branches and in particular by public performances."

Reg. #Charity No: 1112716

#Search Details: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search

#Assets: £1.19 million.

£1+ million in #staff #pay for 2021.

Received #money from #Bloomberg, #Amazon & #UK #taxpayers.

#artichoketrust #helenmarriage #culturalmarxism

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