

For the last 18 months or so, Saudi Arabia and Iran have been engaging in a process of rapprochement. The two signed a Beijing-brokered roadmap to de-escalation in early 2023. The Kingdom reopened its embassy in #Tehran in autumn 2023. Since then, a series of symbolic steps, including state visits and the opening of consular services, have taken place. Not that you'd know from reading the prestige press in the UK and US. The #FT, #Bloomberg, the #WSJ, the #WaPo and the #NYT hardly report on this story. So, yesterday, Saudi Arabia and Iran conducted joint naval exercises in the Gulf of Oman. Given the situation in the Middle East, this would seem important. Who's reporting on it? Let's look at #Google News.

#Iran #KSA #PersianGulf #Media #Censorship #Politics #China #WestAaia


Think-Gem from the Bloomberg Businessweek Interview

I’m gonna get you guys a Coke. Would you please come in? Who wants something to drink? Anybody? A little Coke? Cokes and Diet Cokes. One thing I’ll say about a Diet Coke, I have never seen anyone thin have a Diet Coke. No, it’s always Diet Coke. And I say it sort of in a friendly way. But people drink a Diet Coke, I have never seen a thin person drink it. I’ve just never seen it. These guys come in and they order regular Cokes and they’re thin. So, I don’t know what’s going on with it? So go ahead.

What would you do if you’re reelected to nudge the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates faster?

Well, you have to get other costs down, you cannot suffer inflation. Inflation, and it really and it really and it truly is ... [An aide brings out a red MAGA hat] ... This is just, somebody just sent this.
sauce: https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2024-trump-interview-transcript/
#trump #bloomberg #interview


Bloomberg: Russia sends students from Africa to fight in its war against Ukraine

According to the #Bloomberg report, Russian officials have been threatening African students and young workers not to extend their visas unless "they agree to join the military." Such a tactic was first deployed by the Russian Wagner mercenary group, Bloomberg reported.

While Russia has also been enlisting convicts, some Africans on work visas "have been detained and forced to decide between deportation or fighting," Bloomberg cited an anonymous European official.

"Some of those people had been able to #bribe officials to stay in the country and still avoid military service," the report reads.

This is not the first time the Russian military is reported to have started bringing prisoners, migrants, and foreign nationals into its ranks.


#threats #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Africans #students #visas #Russian #blackmail #corruption


#Israel and #Ukraine aid unlikely before 2024, #Bloomberg has reported.

Congressional Republicans are trying to link their approval for the foreign military aid to stricter border policies after Joe Biden signed a stopgap bill extending funding for the U.S. government into early next year.

"I think it would be very difficult to get it done by the end of the year, and the impediment is the #WhiteHouse policy on the southern border," Turner has said.

#Politics #US #MilitayAid


#ukraine #grain

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres repeated that Russia’s war in the Ukraine was a war against food supplies, low wheat prices, and survival from starvation worldwide. “Today’s decision by the Russian Federation will strike a blow to people in need everywhere.” “Struggling people everywhere and developing countries don’t have a choice. Hundreds of millions of people face hunger and consumers are confronting a global #cost-of-living #crisis. They will pay the price.”

White House officials claimed the Russians are weaponizing food. “Russia’s decision to resume its effective blockade of Ukrainian ports and prevent this grain from getting to markets will harm people all over the world,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said at a White House briefing.

These claims aren’t true. They are “clashes with shippers’ reality”, a #Bloomberg report acknowledged. Like almost every scheme the #corruptly #clever #Zelensky (lead image, left) and the corruptly stupid Joseph Biden (right) have devised in the current war, the conversion of the fight for Odessa and Ukraine’s other Black Sea ports into a war to starve the hungriest peoples of the world is failing.



Comment #Zuckerberg " #Arnaque" Les #Investisseurs en #Bourse | #H5Motivation

La #fortune de #MarkZuckerberg bondit de 12,5 milliards de #dollars en l'espace de 24 heures
L'impressionnant rebond de l' #action #Meta (maison-mÚre de #Facebook) en Bourse a fait décoller la fortune de l' #entrepreneur #américain.
La fortune de Mark Zuckerberg, qui dirige le groupe Meta, la maison-mÚre de Facebook, #Instagram et #WhatsApp, s'est épaissie de 12,5 milliards de dollars en un seul jour, aprÚs la forte revalorisation de ses #actions, selon un calcul réalisé par l' #agence de #presse #financiÚre #Bloomberg.
L'action Meta a bondi de plus de 20 % jeudi aprÚs la publication de #résultats trimestriels salués par les investisseurs en Bourse.
Mais cette soudaine montée de l'action cache une #vérité plus obscure que vous allez découvrir dans cette #vidéo.

#gafam #gafa #politique #Ă©conomie


Elon Musk um 100 Milliarden Dollar "Ă€rmer" | DW | 14.12.2022

Seitdem der Multi-MilliardÀr Elon Musk den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter gekauft hat, gerÀt er immer mehr unter Druck. Das wirkt sich inzwischen auch auf sein - allerdings immer noch astronomisches - Vermögen aus.#ElonMusk #Vermögen #Bloomberg #Forbes
Elon Musk um 100 Milliarden Dollar "Ă€rmer" | DW | 14.12.2022


Wicked Leaks – Part 1: How The Media Quarantined Evidence On Nord Stream Sabotage

Media Lens

(...) In our media alert of 26 July 2002, we wrote:

‘This does not mean that there is no dissent in the mainstream; on the contrary the system strongly requires the appearance of openness. In an ostensibly democratic society, a propaganda system must incorporate occasional instances of dissent. Like vaccines, these small doses of truth inoculate the public against awareness of the rigid limits of media freedom.’

That was true two decades ago when we started Media Lens. But, now, the state-corporate media system relies less on inoculation and more on quarantine: inconvenient facts, indeed whole issues, are simply kept from public awareness. We have moved far closer to a totalitarian system depending on outright censorship. (...)

(Text continues under the photo.)

Photo of chained newspapers

US media watch site, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), made the key point:

‘Any serious coverage of the Nord Stream attack should acknowledge that opposition to the pipeline has been a centerpiece of the US grand strategy in Europe. The long-term goal has been to keep Russia isolated and disjointed from Europe, and to keep the countries of Europe tied to US markets. Ever since German and Russian energy companies signed a deal to begin development on Nord Stream 2, the entire machinery of Washington has been working overtime to scuttle it.’

The evidence for this is simply overwhelming. For example, FAIR noted that during his confirmation hearings in 2021, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told Congress he was ‘determined to do whatever I can to prevent’ Nord Stream 2 from being completed. Months later, the US State Department reiterated that ‘any entity involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline risks US sanctions and should immediately abandon work on the pipeline’.

If that doesn’t make US hostility to the pipelines clear enough, President Joe Biden told reporters in February:

‘If Russia invades
then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.’

Asked by a reporter how the US intended to end a project that was, after all, under German control, Biden responded:

‘I promise you, we will be able to do that.’

No surprise, then, that, following the attack, Blinken described the destruction of the pipelines as a ‘tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy,’ adding that this ‘offers tremendous strategic opportunity for years to come’.

Former UN weapons inspector and political analyst Scott Ritter commented:

‘Intent, motive and means: People serving life sentences in U.S. prisons have been convicted on weaker grounds than the circumstantial evidence against Washington for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.’ (...)

Despite all of this, FAIR reported of US corporate media coverage:

‘Much of the media cast their suspicions towards Russia, including Bloomberg (9/27/22), Vox (9/29/22), Associated Press (9/30/22) and much of cable news. With few exceptions, speculation on US involvement has seemingly been deemed an intellectual no-fly-zone.’

Thus, the possibility of US involvement has been intellectually quarantined. Instead, US media have been tying themselves in knots trying to find alternative explanations. (...)

In Britain, the Guardian affected similar confusion. (...)

FAIR discussed a tweet from a Polish member of the European Parliament, Radek Sikorski – a one-time Polish defence minister as well as a former American Enterprise Institute fellow, who was named one of the ‘Top 100 Global Thinkers’ in 2012 by Foreign Policy. FAIR reported:

‘Sikorski tweeted a picture of the methane leak in the ocean, along with the caption, “As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy.” He later tweeted, “Thank you, USA,” with the same picture.’ (...)

Curiously, non-corporate journalists like Jonathan Cook, Caitlin Johnstone, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron MatĂ©, Bryce Green, even hippy Russell Brand, were able to find all the evidence and arguments omitted by ‘mainstream’ journalists supported by far greater resources.

And this makes the point with which we began this alert: there is now so much high-quality journalism exposing the establishment outside the state-corporate ‘mainstream’, that the task of the ‘mainstream’ now is to protect the establishment by acting as a buffer blocking citizen journalism from public awareness. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #media #mass_media #journalist #journalism #the_guardian #mainstream_media #msm #propaganda #censorship #putin #biden #blinken #nord_stream #sabotage #russia #ukraine #bloomberg #associated_press #ap #cable_news #the_telegraph #fair #sikorski #mail_on_sunday #observer


Shocking moment of truth on Bloomberg when Professor Jeffrey Sachs says he believes the US was behind the Nord Stream pipelines destruction. The reporters start to lose it, of course.

They can't handle the truth!

Reminds me of the reapportions during tanker war in the 80s where all Iraq attacks were reported as "unknown" but the ones Iran was attacking were all reported correctly that led to Reagan sending 2 aircraft carriers to Persian Gulf, sinking the flagship of Iranian navy and eventually shooting down Iran Air passenger flight IR655 "by mistake".

What will this "sabotage" lead to?
#Europe #NordStream #Russia #Bloomberg #UkraineWar #BalticSea #Germany #Poland #Bide #Pentagon #NATO



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Suivez l’argent : comment la Russie va contourner la guerre Ă©conomique occidentale

pepe #Escobar (assez mal traduit)
Entrer une description pour l'image ici

Un article de #Bloomberg résume leurs craintes collectives :

"L’exclusion de la #Russie du systĂšme mondial critique - qui traite 42 millions de messages par jour et sert de lien vital Ă  certaines des plus grandes institutions financiĂšres du monde - pourrait se retourner contre nous, faire grimper l’inflation, rapprocher la Russie de la Chine et soustraire les transactions financiĂšres Ă  l’examen de l’Occident. Cela pourrait Ă©galement encourager le dĂ©veloppement d’une alternative #SWIFT qui pourrait Ă  terme porter atteinte Ă  la suprĂ©matie du #dollar amĂ©ricain."

Ceux dont le QI est supĂ©rieur Ă  50 dans l’Union europĂ©enne ( #UE ) ont dĂ» comprendre que la Russie ne pouvait tout simplement pas ĂȘtre totalement exclue de SWIFT, mais peut-ĂȘtre seulement quelques-unes de ses banques : aprĂšs tout, les commerçants europĂ©ens dĂ©pendent de l’énergie russe.

Du point de vue de Moscou, c’est un problĂšme mineur. Un certain nombre de banques russes sont dĂ©jĂ  connectĂ©es au systĂšme CIPS de la Chine.....


Mais cela ne raconte qu’une partie de l’histoire. L’arme fatale de l’arsenal de riposte russe a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e par le chef du Centre de recherche Ă©conomique de l’Institut de la mondialisation et des mouvements sociaux (IGSO), Vasily Koltashov : la clĂ© est la confiscation de la technologie - comme dans le cas oĂč la Russie cesserait de reconnaĂźtre les droits amĂ©ricains sur les brevets.

Dans ce qu’il qualifie de "libĂ©ration de la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle amĂ©ricaine", Koltashov appelle Ă  l’adoption d’une loi russe sur les "États amis et inamicaux". Si un pays figure sur la liste des pays hostiles, nous pouvons commencer Ă  copier ses technologies dans les domaines pharmaceutique, industriel, manufacturier, Ă©lectronique et mĂ©dical. Cela peut ĂȘtre n’importe quoi - de simples dĂ©tails Ă  des compositions chimiques". Cela nĂ©cessiterait de modifier la constitution russe.

Koltashov soutient que "l’une des bases du succĂšs de l’industrie amĂ©ricaine a Ă©tĂ© la copie de brevets d’invention Ă©trangers". Maintenant, la Russie pourrait utiliser "le vaste savoir-faire de la #Chine avec ses derniers processus technologiques de production pour copier les produits occidentaux : la libĂ©ration de la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle amĂ©ricaine causera des dommages aux États-Unis Ă  hauteur de 10 000 milliards de dollars, seulement dans la premiĂšre phase. Ce sera un dĂ©sastre pour eux".

#politique de #guerre


‘Solar and wind deployment could not now be stopped if we wanted to’

BloombergNEF’s Jenny Chase has surveyed the state of affairs in world solar for clean energy journal Joule and said the technology’s historic ability to surmount obstacles – and persistently confound analysts’ predictions – should offer a reason for hope.
#installations, #solar, #utility, #bloomberg, #scale, #pv, #bloombergnef