Many, MANY years ago, there was a project called #OScar. It was about creating a open source car, with all the basics needed.. Sadly, it never took off.... but cars in one way or another still took a bit from the open source community and implemented CAN-Bus for example, which gives us a convenient bus and a vector to hack into the cars internals...
Well, my ambitions aren't half of that .... but i got into thinking, if it could be possible, to assemble a open source cargo e-bike/pedelec.
I for myself have a very speficic design in mind .. but i'm probably just one of a _LOT_ of ppl interested in working on such a vehicle.
Especially in the range of E-bikes and Pedelecs, there is a myriad of possible variations ...... but with some modularization we still can build upon some few standard components possibly...
And hopefully even bring up open source hard and software for things like motor-controllers and stuff....
What do you think?