

One of my least favourite things to see, a major #bike route in #Ottawa still closed after two years. Before that it was open only a few weeks after being closed for another two years. I would be happy if #construction in the city actually got finished.


Ich fahre jetzt alle 14 Tage diese geile Kiste. <3 Nennt sich #Parallel-Tandem und hat sieben Gänge über #Handschaltung und über den #E-Motor drei Möglichkeiten für mehr Unterstützung. Der "Hauptfahrer" lenkt und fährt, der Beifahrer kann beim Treten unterstützen (muß aber nicht). Solltet ihr mal die Möglichkeit haben so ein "Ding" zu fahren, probiert es aus. Macht richtig Spaß. <3

#Fahrrad #Bike #Photo #MyPhoto ☮️


A stop at the #Beavertails stand in the Byward Market in #Ottawa while on a 34 km #bike trip. @Kathryn Barr got a Killaloe Sunrise and I got a Bananarama.

Notable that this business has switched to not taking cash, they accept credit card or debit only. This does prevent the issues of robberies, staff pilfering and also lowers costs over handling cash quite considerably. One recent estimate I saw pegged the cost of cash for retail businesses at over 15% versus 2-3% for credit cards.


not allowed to drive a car no more but, I can ride my bike :D

after having driven big trucks and a lot of amazon volvos it was not easy to completely give up driving... #hm.

#ya #bike #photo