Oppositions groups, stepping up attacks against targets in several key cities in Iran

As I was afraid of, the 3 main armed groups Kumelah/PKK in Kurdistan, Ansarollah in Baluchistan and MKO in Tehran and central parts of the country targeting key (and symbolic) targets across the country.

  • The images and statues of Khamenei and Soleimani vandalized/burned or red paint thrown at them
  • The home of Khomeini's father that was turned into a museum was attacked by molotov cocktails
  • Several high ranking IRGC and Basij commanders were gunned down in Tehran, Kurdistan and Baluchistan.
  • Basij and Mosques used by them targeted by molotov cocktail and vandalized.

In return, ever since late last week, the regime has started using live amo against protesters and those trying to attack the police and IRGC headquarters. The number of casualties reported by opposition and even the regime indicates that the situation is turning more and more like those of Syria at the start of the civil war, 1 years ago.

Yesterday, the Kurdish groups and media such as Saudi backed Iran International and the Radio Farda (the persian separate branch of the CIA voice of America) and others said that the city of Mahabad was liberated and the people had taken over the city.

As expected, the regime has used it's heavily armed anti riot paramilitary that are part of the special forces of both Basij and IRGC trained in the past 2o years to brutally crush any attempt to question the regime's authority.

Since late last night and all day today, 100s of armored vehicles and 4x4 trucks with machine gun placed on their top have entered Mahabad and reports of heavy gun fire and explosions is coming out every minute.

On the other hand, Turkey seems to be either working with the regime of Iran or using it to escalate it's attacks against Kurdish separatist groups in Syria and Iraq. The same way Iranian drones and long range missiles were used to bomb headquarter and training camps of Kumela in Iraqi Kurdistan.

- https://twitter.com/ThomasVLinge/status/1594344350951112704
- https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1594287282311565312
- https://twitter.com/LucyKromSec/status/1594310981056098304
- https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1594464061403824128
- https://twitter.com/journalistsay/status/1594462699303436291

#Iran #IranProtests #IranUprising #Politics

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