IMHO, HRC has presented the most 'woke' (i.e., mindful/sentient) overview of what is a huge #cult, sustained 24/7 by a #media bubble of #disinformation, and 'peer pressure'/support for being immune to #truth if it doesn't comport with the hate/division dog-whistles of the day. What Goebbels did not have was #Fox & Fiends, or Bannon's shadow government of destruction from within via messaging & "events". Or help from within by fellow #traitors lke #GymJordan & #MTG - #MAGA / #DrumpfVirus co-conspirators against #democracy.

Hillary Clinton's Cult 'Deprogramming' Comments Spark MAGA Outrage

The only place I'd differ from Clinton's prescription for "deprogramming" is in her use of "formal" mechanisms, which has predictably given rise to backlash and images of reprogramming camps. (Some have likened more to psychiatric facilities for #MAGA delusionists/cultists). So what then? IMM the only way to approach "deprogramming" of a huge cult of believers in lies & delusion/conspiracy is to allow/facilitate their becoming "woke", as in aware of how they've been lied to, taken for granted, played, and drained of cash through endless grift.

How to approach? The same media machines - ads on Fox, Guttr, OAN, NewsMax... featuring MAGATs who are awakening to the grift and disrespect shown by Lord #TrumpVirus. Cultists distrust/disbelieve both #reality (as sane folk and facts know it to be), and any narrative that gets characterized as "woke"/liberal/extreme/socialist etc. #Justice + #accountability + increasing doses of reality served up by their own = the only viable 'plan' I can see.

Sort of like psychoanalysis, "making the unconscious conscious" while ~ growing ego out of id...

#psychopathology #delusion #psychoanalysis