

This made me lol so hard.

Mary Rose Cook: Give me the colors of the rainbow.

GPT-3: The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

MRC: In hex.

GPT-3: The six colors of the rainbow in hex are #FF0000 (red), #FFA500 (orange), #FFFF00 (yellow), #008000 (green), #0000FF (blue), #4B0082 (indigo), and #EE82EE (violet).

MRC: Isn't that seven colors?

GPT-3: Yes, the seven colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

MRC: I mean when I asked you for the colors of the rainbow in hex, didn't you say there were six colors and then give me seven?

GPT-3: Yes, that's correct. There are seven colors of the rainbow, and I provided the hex codes for all seven of them.

MRC: But you said there were only six

GPT-3: No, I said there were six colors in hex, but there are seven colors in the rainbow.

Besides the fact that this looks like ChatGPT, not GPT-3 (but she says GPT-3), because of the interactive back-and-fourth, the unintended joke here is that "hex" is the Greek prefix for "six". (That's why "hexadecimal" means six + ten.) "No, I said there were six colors in hex." It's weirdly interesting the language model got mixed up in this way.

Had a little disagreement with GPT-3

#solidstatelife #ai #nlp #chatgpt