

Le Monde: The French Government will provide Ukraine with Scalp long-range cruise missiles to help Kyiv's forces strike targets deep behind Russian lines, French president Emmanuel Macron says

It's a lucrative business, time to test all the weapons and the obidient public will happily pay for it, increase the age of retirement to 65 or 67? No problem, lets give more to Ukraine and enrich the french military industries at the cost of our taxes and badly needed funds for schools and slums.

War is a racket and Ukraine war is the greatest opportunity to steal from the public and enrich the companies and corrupt politicians.

But hey, I must be a paid Putin agent to point out these issues, the rest of the 7,9B inhabitants of the earth don't count, the only thing that matters is Ukraine and fighting Russians to the last man alive.

Next is tactical nukes? Nerve agentse? anthrax? Alternative is Russia winning the war, so there are no limit how much "we" give to #Ukraine at any cost.

#France #Warprofiteering #Russia #Politics #Economy #FuckThePoor #UkraineWar #BeverEndingWar