

Jack Dorsey proving that all the Silicon Valley techbro billionaires are exactly the same and that our society's tax and regulatory laws should be setup such that billionaires cannot exist. The supposed mistakes are having any kind of moderation and/or safety capabilities in a social network and limiting how entrenched Nazis can get into your platform. Puhleez with the "moar freeze peach" bullshit. He can play Boddhisatva all day but he's just another faux libertarian asshole with a god complex. #JackDorsey #BillionairesShouldNotExist https://www.engadget.com/jack-dorsey-claims-bluesky-is-repeating-all-the-mistakes-he-made-at-twitter-234326121.html
Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter


Despite my general interest in space flight from a scientific point of view, I can't really disagree.

Hank G ☑️ - 2024-03-14 14:59:13 GMT

In light of the breathless coverage of another Starship launch I have to say that I can’t get excited about anything SpaceX does until Musk has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s not just about being petty because of my utter contempt for Musk, although that admittedly is a part of it. It is also because like every other Musk venture it is about his aggregation of as much power, money, and adulation as possible no matter who gets fucked over even if it is literally the entire planet. One person should not have dictator for life control over access to an entire shell of space, EM spectrum bands, national charging networks, social networks, much less all of those and more. Starship is not primarily about getting to Mars to “preserve the light of humanity” despite his marketing bullshit. It is about Musk individually controlling global satellite internet and all terrestrial spectrum that would overlap it. It is about him controlling access to space so he can dictate to the any government on the planet including the US his whims and needs above everyone else’s. Musk is Exhibit A of my firm belief that billionaires should not exist. It is a defect of our system that we allow one person to hoard that much wealth and power. #rant #ElonMusk #SpaceX #BillionairesShouldNotExist


In light of the breathless coverage of another Starship launch I have to say that I can’t get excited about anything SpaceX does until Musk has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s not just about being petty because of my utter contempt for Musk, although that admittedly is a part of it. It is also because like every other Musk venture it is about his aggregation of as much power, money, and adulation as possible no matter who gets fucked over even if it is literally the entire planet. One person should not have dictator for life control over access to an entire shell of space, EM spectrum bands, national charging networks, social networks, much less all of those and more. Starship is not primarily about getting to Mars to “preserve the light of humanity” despite his marketing bullshit. It is about Musk individually controlling global satellite internet and all terrestrial spectrum that would overlap it. It is about him controlling access to space so he can dictate to the any government on the planet including the US his whims and needs above everyone else’s. Musk is Exhibit A of my firm belief that billionaires should not exist. It is a defect of our system that we allow one person to hoard that much wealth and power. #rant #ElonMusk #SpaceX #BillionairesShouldNotExist


It was apparent Musk is doing lots of drugs but "including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine" to say nothing for whatever prescription drugs he's abusing thanks to the usual celebrity doctors who write scripts on their client's whims. Good thing he isn't in control of disproportionate wealth and power, etc...oh wait... #ElonMusk #BillionairesShouldNotExist


Someone I follow on the fediverse said the John Oliver segment on Musk was meh. I don't watch his show or even most segments but decided to give it a whirl. At some point early in Oliver says something to the effect of, "There are people who absolutely love Musk and there are people who absolutely hate him. This is probably going to piss off both of them." Being someone who at this point has complete visceral contempt for Musk, more than anyone I know, I proceeded with some trepidation. I think I arrived at my opinion of Musk honestly but who doesn't think they arrive at their opinions honestly? So did this piss me off or trigger me? At this point I know every nook and cranny of the reality of Musk, the perceptions of Musk, and everything in between. Nothing presented was novel to me but probably will be to many. Honestly, I thought the segment did a solid job of distilling the whole debacle that is Elon Musk into a an entertaining yet informative 15 minute piece that hits all the broadstrokes. It didn't piss me off or trigger me at all. I enjoyed it enough I think it is worth sharing for those who only are familiar with the MSM propagated "Real Tony Stark" version of Elon Musk. #ElonMusk #JohnOliver #BillionairesShouldNotExist


Thanks to @Don Moynihan I learn that the rich asshole who said we needed to put unemployment up to 50% to break these sassy workers is also the guy who gave us the whole avocado toast meme with a similarly out of touch anti-people commentary. As Don points out he is pretty much accurately describing what way too many of the uber-wealthy think and what is broken in our capitalist system. I bitch enough about how I hate how US labor unions try to leverage an "us versus them" mentality whereas I would like the more cooperative ones that exist in European unions or even better proper widely held ownership of businesses a la the co-op model. This guy points out that that "us versus them" mentality is more than alive and well on the other side of the table as well. Just like the Silicon Valley techbros that he would fit in with perfectly, they should be reviled not admired. #BillionairesShouldNotExist #economics #capitalism
The dismal return of the avocado toast guy


At the risk of painting with too broad a brush, I would recommend not getting involved with any of the PayPal Mafia people lest you fall into destitution at best or "accidentally" off a building like in Russia at worst like so many before. You are 100% expendable to these people and there are no exception. And no, I don't taking the accidentally falling or suicide stories at face value any more than I would when they happen in their best bud's Putin's Russia either. #BillionairesShouldNotExist #PayPalMafia
Peter Thiel’s


The thing to remember about working for sociopathic narcissists, people who fancy themselves messianic figures, etc. (essentially the Silicon Valley Tech Bro archetype that we've been lionizing ever since Steve Jobs) is that no matter how much you kill yourself, debase yourself, compromise your values for their grand vision, you are ultimately expendable and will be tomorrow's garbage as fast or faster. They will have extracted their "value" and left you to fend for yourself with your reputation tarnished. That whole Machiavellian maneuver not only isn't frowned upon, it is held up as the most responsible behavior on the part of these people and their worshipers.

Zoe's Tweet reads: "Wow the layoffs last night included a ton of surprises. Hardcore Musk loyalists (more on that soon…) and the founder of the newsletter platform Revue that Twitter acquired in 2021."
#ElonMusk #TwitterMigration #MuskIsADick #BillionairesShouldNotExist


Trump suspensions lifted on Facebook and Instagram. Because of course. Gotta get the engagement up to drive up revenue even if it fucks over the foundation of society and the planet. “New guardrails” is BS too. These Silicon Valley techbro billionaires and their lackeys and sycophants can all go fuck themselves. #trump #facebook #instagram #BillionairesShouldNotExist #DeleteTwitter #DeleteFacebook #BigTechShouldNotExist https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/facebook-instagram-end-trumps-suspension-platforms-rcna67524


"Musk’s money manager, Jared Birchall, reached out to potential investors this week, offering shares of Twitter at the same price, $54.20, that Musk paid to take the company private in October, the people said." BWAHAHAHAHA....deep breath...BWAHAHAHA! #Musk #Twitter #BillionairesShouldNotExist #Elon #ElonMusk https://www.semafor.com/article/12/16/2022/elon-musks-team-is-seeking-new-investors-for-twitter


This is unsettling...

Hank G ☑️ - 2022-12-16 00:05:27 GMT

Look, anyone even remotely paying attention knew that Musk's "moar freeze peach" thing was sheer greenwashing *at best*. Now the Mastodon Twitter account has been suspended. There is no reasonable explanation for it. Even in the worst turf war days the social networks had accounts on respective platforms and integrations too. I imagine the Twitter->Mastodon bridges are going to be coming down any day now too. #MuskIsADick #TwitterMigration #Twitter #birdsitebans #BillionairesShouldNotExist


Look, anyone even remotely paying attention knew that Musk's "moar freeze peach" thing was sheer greenwashing *at best*. Now the Mastodon Twitter account has been suspended. There is no reasonable explanation for it. Even in the worst turf war days the social networks had accounts on respective platforms and integrations too. I imagine the Twitter->Mastodon bridges are going to be coming down any day now too. #MuskIsADick #TwitterMigration #Twitter #birdsitebans #BillionairesShouldNotExist