

TL;DR SpaceX did pony up a bunch to get Starlink there early but having been taking all the credit for donating the whole thing even though it is substantially being paid for by other vendors. Now they are saying it costs them $4500 a month per terminal to maintain service, a rate which they charge nobody and substantially less than the $60 a month base rate they charge most. They essentially are saying pay up $400 million a year or we will shut it down. So as usual for Musk, he took all the limelight, got other orgs to put up a lot of the bills and never acknowledge most or any of it, and then tries to get governments to fund even more shit that he will take credit for. I tried to give him this one in the beginning but JFC did he totally Musk this one up too. #MuskIsADick #BillionairesShouldNotExist https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/13/politics/elon-musk-spacex-starlink-ukraine/index.html


Of course he did...Remember Musk's "off the cuff" suggestions last week about solutions to the Russian invasion of Ukraine which just so happened to be basically give Ukraine to Russia? Turns out he already got warmed up with conversations with Putin so just parroted what Putin said he wanted. I now do wonder if he would end up pulling Starlink support in Ukraine if Putin or the rest of his favorite far right people that were essentially all of the DM traffic in the Twitter v. Musk Exhibit H nudge him in that direction. Perhaps letting one person have dictator for life power over multibillion dollar companies was a bad idea after all, in case that wasn't patently obvious from the get go. #MuskIsADick #BillionairesShouldNotExist https://www.vice.com/en/article/ake44z/elon-musk-vladimir-putin-ukraine