

RT @teleSURtv: El #11DIC de 1964, Ernesto #CheGuevara, pronunció su histórico discurso en la sede de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas…
2022-12-11 23:01:53

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How #Rumsfeld Deserves to Be Remembered

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/06/how-donald-rumsfeld-deserves-be-remembered/619334/

He faxed pages from a biography of #CheGuevara to a U.S. Army officer in the region to prove that the growing Iraqi #resistance did not meet the definition of an #insurgency. He dismissed the insurgents as “dead-enders” and humiliated a top general who dared to call them by their true name. He insisted on keeping the number of U.S. troops in Iraq so low that much of the country soon fell to the insurgency. He focused his best effort on winning bureaucratic wars in #Washington.

#military #government #pentagon #war #terror #iraq #Afghanistan #politics #fail #USA #humanrights #history


En la revolucion de la pelazon de bola hasta los che guevaras apoyan dolarizaciones.

Pelazon de bolas, desde siempre tumbando gobiernos y destruyendo ideologias.

Aviso pa los chavistas: Broderes, el cosplay es una expresion nacida en paises de liberalismo salvaje por eso no deben confiar en ningun carajo que se disfrace ni siquiera de stalin... ojo con el che guevara este


#venezuela #corrupcion #cosplay #cheguevara #dumbass