

Second Infection Hikes Long COVID Risk

Interview with author of 3 year study

People infected multiple times with COVID-19 are more likely to develop long COVID, and most never fully recover from the condition. Those are two of the most striking findings of a comprehensive new 3-year research study of 138,000 veterans.

Lead researcher Ziyad Al-Aly, MD spoke with Medscape about his team's findings, what we know — and don't — about long COVID, and what it means for physicians treating patients with the condition.


#Covid19 #LongCovid #research #Long CovidKids #infections #Covid #CovidIdiots #medical #HealthCare #chronic


(I started doing this myself and can confirm the positive effects...)

DOWN TO EARTH | The Earthing Movie (15 min Short Film)

"The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding" is directed by Sundance Award-Winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell (The Big Fix, FUEL, etc). This is a feature-length documentary based on their viral short film entitled 'Down To Earth,' that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do…standing barefoot on the earth.

The winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at Dances With Films Festival, the film shares the Tickell family's journey with the healing power of grounding, aka earthing, and the people they met and learned from along the way; featuring grounding pioneer Clint Ober, author Deepak Chopra M.D., actress/activist Amy Smart, author/activist Mariel Hemingway, cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, renowned healer Dr Joseph Mercola, engineer and physicist Gaetan Chevalier, PhD. and many others.

Over 20 peer-reviewed studies have shown that Grounding (Earthing) reduces inflammation...one of the most damaging internal biological processes that leads to chronic disease. So get out there and put your feet on the ground, and/or increase your grounding time indoors with grounding products. Your body and mind will thank you! Read up on all the studies and research at: http://earthingmovie.com/resources and http://earthinginstitute.net


#life #health #advise #grounding #inflammation #science #chronic #disease



Deuterium is a naturally occurring isotope of hydrogen. Provided your cell is healthy, it has deuterium-depleting enzymes and organelles that help remove deuterium from your cells. If your mitochondria are damaged by glyphosate, they're not going to be able to eliminate the deuterium properly. This is another way #glyphosate contributes to #chronic #disease, Seneff says.

Your cells are surrounded by structured #water, which is negatively charged and contributes to your body's energy production by supplying deuterium-depleted hydrogen to lysosomes and mitochondria. The structured water is maintained by sulfates, which makes sulfate extremely important for health.

Deuterium is everywhere, naturally, but your body has developed an intricate way to make it harmless by trapping it in the structured water, where it's beneficial, as it actually supports the creation of structured water.

Problems arise when you cannot make enough structured water to sequester it all. Then, the deuterium gets loose, causing mitochondrial dysfunction, impairing energy production and contributing to chronic disease.

Glyphosate, however, makes sulfate dysfunctional, which in turn destroys structured water, resulting in impaired energy production in the cell.11 The process is complex, but it’s important for understanding how and why glyphosate is such a pernicious and insidious toxin. Seneff explains more about deuterium and how glyphosate contributes to its buildup in your body in our video interview above.

Glyphosate Linked to Liver, Kidney Diseases
Since at least 2014, published papers have exposed a link between glyphosate exposure and chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lankan farmers.12 It’s been suggested that consumption of glyphosate-contaminated water may contribute to chronic kidney disease by facilitating the transport of heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium into the kidneys.13

In 2019, researchers again named agricultural chemicals, including glyphosate and paraquat, as possible primary factors in CKDu, noting, “[G]lyphosate causes insidious harm through its action as an amino acid analogue of glycine, and … this interferes with natural protective mechanisms against other exposures.”14

A number of animal studies have linked glyphosate to liver damage as well, including one that dates back to 1979, which showed the chemical could disrupt mitochondria in rat livers.15

Glyphosate is also known to trigger the production of reactive oxygen species, leading to oxidative stress. As noted in Scientific Reports, “Elevation in oxidative stress markers is detected in rat liver and kidney after subchronic exposure to GBH [glyphosate-based herbicides] at the United States permitted glyphosate concentration of 700 μg/L in drinking water.”16,17

Researchers from King’s College London also showed an “ultra-low dose” of glyphosate-based herbicides was damaging in rats, leading to signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.18 People living agricultural regions, like Salinas Valley, California, may be particularly at risk.

In a study of children in Salinas Valley, exposure to glyphosate and its degradation product aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) was found to increase the risk of liver and cardiometabolic disorders in early adulthood, which could trigger the development of additional diseases later in life, including liver cancer, diabetes and heart disease.19

Glyphosate Is Virtually Everywhere — How to Avoid It
More than 80% of U.S. children and adults, ages 6 years and up, have detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.20,21 Out of 2,310 urine samples that were collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1,885 contained glyphosate levels at or above the detection limit.

Even if you don’t live near an agricultural area or use glyphosate-containing herbicides in your garden, you’re likely being exposed via contaminated food and water. Fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, oatmeal and cereals are all likely sources of glyphosate in your diet.22

The use of glyphosate as a desiccant (drying agent) may be particularly problematic because it’s sprayed so near to harvest, which could result in higher residue levels and greater exposures to consumers.23 In 2020, food giant Kellogg announced they’re phasing out the use of glyphosate as a desiccant by 2025,24 but many other food manufacturers are still using this toxic chemical.

You can reduce your glyphosate exposure by primarily consuming organic foods. If you’re wondering what your levels are, HRI Labs has developed home test kits for both water and urine, available in my online store. I do not make a profit from the sale of these kits. I only provide them as a service of convenience.

The urine test kit reveals the amount of glyphosate you’ve been exposed to in the past two to three weeks, while the hair test shows accumulated exposure over the past three to four months.

If your levels are high, fermented foods, particularly kimchi, are potent chelators of these kinds of chemicals. Taking activated charcoal after a questionable meal can help bind and excrete chemicals as well. Remember to stay well-hydrated to facilitate the removal of toxins through your liver, kidneys and skin.

Glycine supplementation may also be a good option to help detoxify glyphosate, because to eliminate glyphosate, you need to saturate your body with glycine. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who is a specialist in metal toxicity and its connection to chronic infections, recommends taking 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of glycine powder twice a day for a few weeks and then lowering the dose to one-fourth teaspoon (1 gram) twice a day.

This forces the glyphosate out of your system, allowing it to be eliminated through your urine. Considering glycine has additional benefits for longevity and disease prevention, this is a solid strategy for protection.

There are a wide variety of other uses for glycine, which is why I take about 15 grams every day, primarily with protein like eggs and beef as it rebalances the methionine to glycine ratio to decrease methionine’s negative impacts on your metabolism.

Additionally, you can use organic, grass-fed collagen, which is naturally rich in glycine. You can boost your collagen intake by making homemade bone broth using bones and connective tissue from grass-fed, organically raised animals, enjoying health benefits and helping reduce your glyphosate load at the same time."

  • Sources and References 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology June 2023, Volume 100, 104149 2 BBC October 15, 2009 5, 9 Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry January 2015, 15(3):121-159 10 Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16, 2734 11 Seneff and G Nigh. Sulfate’s Critical Role for Maintaining Exclusion Zone Water: Dietary Factors Leading to Deficiencies. Water 2019; 11: 22-42 12, 13 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Feb; 11(2): 2125–2147 14 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Jul 31;16(15). pii: E2734. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152734 15 Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (1979) 22: 357 16, 18 Scientific Reports January 9, 2017 17 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology November 2012, Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 811-818 19 Environmental Health Perspectives March 1, 2023 20 U.S. CDC, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Glyphosate in Urine June 2022 21 Substack, Carey Gillam, UnSpun July 9, 2022 22 U.S. CDC, Diet Is a Factor in Contact With Glyphosate 23 Environmental Health News October 30, 2017 24 Kellogg’s Open for Breakfast

"What GPs... need, is better access for their patients to alternative, non-pharmacological treatments, which can be patchy across the country."

#Acupuncture is now officially recommended in the UK by #NICE for the #treatment of #chronic #pain, #migraines and #headaches. Acupuncture also regularly outperforms usual care/conventional treatment for a range of other conditions in both effectiveness and safety. GPs should therefore consider referring more patients for acupuncture to help reduce overprescribing and take the pressure off the #NHS. GPs can refer to practitioners accredited the professional organisations in their country, such as #Zhong or #NVA in The Netherlands.


Sufferers of #chronic #pain are often told it's all in their head, or even that they are causing their symptoms themselves.
More and more, the insight that this is wrong, gets more widespread.
Pain is #multifaceted problem, that is best treated with modalities that can deal with the complexities of it, such as traditional #acupuncture.