

Des saunas d’hiver pour les grenouilles sauvages.

Dans le monde entier, les amphibiens sont menacés par une maladie mortelle provoquée par un champignon. Pour les en libérer, des chercheurs australiens ont mis au point une cure étonnante : un sauna pour grenouilles.
Ils ont utilisé le point faible de ce champignon : la chaleur. Il ne survit pas quand la température corporelle de son hôte est supérieure à 28 °C, et on créé un microhabitat fait d’un empilement de briques à l’intérieur d’une petite serre réchauffée par le soleil.
L’expérimentation a été un véritable succès. Toutes les grenouilles ont réussi à se soigner d’elles-mêmes en utilisant ces saunas pour réguler leur température corporelle.

#environnement #amphibiens #grenouilles #biologie #bio-diversité #maladies #infections


COVID Is 'Still a Pandemic,' WHO Leader Says

“It’s still a global health threat and it’s still a pandemic causing far too many (re)infections, hospitalizations, deaths and long Covid when tools exist to prevent them,”

“It’s marked by #complacency. I will never accept that there is an ‘acceptable level of [death]’ (something I’m asked) for [COVID]. We are talking about people, parents, children, people who laugh, love, dream,” she writes.

“Governments must not be complacent, individuals must not be complacent. We have all gone through something traumatic with #COVID19. The world shut down, we lost millions of our loved ones, billions have been personally affected by COVID. We cannot forget. [WHO] will not forget,” Dr. Van Kerkhove continued.


#Covid19 #death #LongCovid #pandemic #WHO #CovidIdiots #vaccines #Covid #infections #virus #medical


Second Infection Hikes Long COVID Risk

Interview with author of 3 year study

People infected multiple times with COVID-19 are more likely to develop long COVID, and most never fully recover from the condition. Those are two of the most striking findings of a comprehensive new 3-year research study of 138,000 veterans.

Lead researcher Ziyad Al-Aly, MD spoke with Medscape about his team's findings, what we know — and don't — about long COVID, and what it means for physicians treating patients with the condition.


#Covid19 #LongCovid #research #Long CovidKids #infections #Covid #CovidIdiots #medical #HealthCare #chronic


Newly found zero-click #iPhone #exploit used in #NSO #spyware #attacks

source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/newly-found-zero-click-iphone-exploit-used-in-nso-spyware-attacks/

Among the victims of these attacks, Citizen Lab mentioned Catalan Members of the European #Parliament (MEPs), every Catalan president since 2010, as well as Catalan legislators, jurists, journalists, and members of civil #society organizations and their families.


According to Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert, multiple suspected #infections with #Pegasus spyware within official #UK networks were also reported by Citizen Lab to the #government of the United Kingdom.

#Trojan #news #hack #hacker #cyberwar #problem #surveillance #spy #attack #EU #Catalonia #humanRights


#Israël #Reuters

95% du pic de contaminations et en hausse

745 cas recensés pour 100.000 personnes au cours des 7 derniers jours
Mis à jour à 11:51 E
Israël : Les cas de #COVID-19 sont en hausse avec 9 647 nouvelles contaminations recensées en moyenne chaque jour. Cela représente 95% du pic des #infections — le nombre moyen le plus élevé de cas de contamination quotidiens a été reporté le 2 septembre.

Il y a eu 1 112 744 cas de #contamination et 7 153 décès liés au #coronavirus recensés dans le pays depuis le début de l’ #épidémie.

Voir courbes : Tendances quotidiennes

La pente de la courbe de l'épidémie actuelle (au #Variant D) est la même que pour les 2 précédentes épidémies. Et elle les dépasse en nombre de cas.
Dans un pays fortement vacciné, environ 70% de la population.
#Politique #Santé #Pfizer #Vaccin


McMaster University Research: No lab required - New technology can diagnose infections in minutes using a handheld device similar to a blood-glucose monitor

Their proof-of-concept research, published today in the journal Nature Chemistry, specifically describes the test's effectiveness in diagnosing urinary tract infections from real clinical samples. The researchers are adapting the test to detect other forms of bacteria and for the rapid diagnosis of viruses, including COVID-19. They also plan to test its viability for detecting markers of cancer.

Existing practice typically requires sending samples to laboratories to be cultured (at quite a cost), a process that can take days. Providing immediate results to patients can reduce the spread of infection, improve patients' quality of life and simplify the work of busy clinicians.

See No lab required: New technology can diagnose infections in minutes

#health #diagnosis #infections #cancer #medical


The idea of visiting the doctor's office with symptoms of an illness and leaving with a scientifically confirmed diagnosis is much closer to reality because of new technology developed by researchers at McMaster University.
