

#german #history #us #folk #art
Mermaid Fraktur. German
- Small painting of a Mermaid done in early Fraktur style. Ink, Watercolor & graphite on the inside of an old book cover. It looks like it has been cared for and handed down from generation to generation
- Fraktur is a highly artistic and elaborate illuminated folk art created by the Pennsylvania Dutch, named after the Fraktur script associated with it. Most Fraktur were created between 1740 and 1860.
- The Pennsylvania Dutch Pennsylvanisch Deitsche also referred to as Pennsylvania Germans, are an ethnic group in Pennsylvania and other regions of the United States, predominantly in the Mid-Atlantic region of the nation. They largely descend from the Palatinate region of Germany, and settled in Pennsylvania during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. While most were from the Palatinate region of Germany, a lesser number were from other German-speaking areas of Germany and Europe, including Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Saxony, and Rhineland in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the Alsace–Lorraine region of France.
- The Pennsylvania Dutch spoke Palatine German and other South German dialects, intermixing of Palatine, English, and other German dialects, which formed the Pennsylvania Dutch language as it is spoken today.
The Pennsylvania Dutch name has caused confusion. People couldn't pronounce Deutsch and it became "Dutch"- associating the people with the Dutch, rather than Germany.


The Ferryman...

Great video from the O'Reilly's and Paddy Hats. For some reason the YouTube algorithm finally decided to share this with me, despite searching for more from the band multiple times after first seeing Green Blood.

https://youtu.be/kY1Vc-ySc8g?si=nuu1Hup9PXrfqxsC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY1Vc-ySc8g

Ian McFlannigan is the star in Green Blood, but has a big part in Ferryman, and is always fun, there's a good reason why he's listed on the band's site as Entertainer first and backing vocals second.

Any how, classic story about what happens when you die, but with a bit of modernization and a great ending.

https://youtu.be/F909N079IwM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F909N079IwM

Oh, and there's a fun behind the scenes video, https://youtu.be/81fgFksM72s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81fgFksM72s

#Music #YouTube #Irish #punk #folk


Die große Hans-Söllner-Show: Edeltraud

Edeltraut (mit t) war der Name meiner Oma, und die kannte das Zeug noch unter dem Namen Knaster, auch wenn sie überhaupt nicht wusste, was das ist...

Ich wünsche dem neuen Gesetz jedenfalls alles Gute, und vielleicht werden die Ungereimtheiten ja noch irgendwann beseitigt oder überhaupt, dass sich ein entspannter Umgang mit Marihuana und Haschisch hierzulande mal durchsetzt. Und den Bayern wünsche ich, dass Söders Gepolter nur heiße Luft ist. Der soll mal nicht so viel koksen!


#marihuana #gras #haschisch #hanf #deutschland #cannabisgesetz #cang #politik #kiffen #söllner #hanssöllner #edeltraud #edeltraut #folk #volksmusik #reggae #invidious