


Water is Love

The climate crisis is changing everything, and humanity finds itself at a crossroads.

Unprecedented wildfires, floods and droughts rage across the planet; millions rise for radical climate action; and still, governments continue to prioritize short-term profits over everyone’s future.

​​Will our species continue our current trajectory towards extinction or will we enter into a synergistic cooperation with Earth?

​This documentary will invite us to make sense of the climate crisis as a moment of possibility for regeneration and systemic change. We go on a journey to discover how a renewed relationship to water and each other can enable us to regenerate damaged ecosystems and and heal trauma, in the face of a radically changing world. We explore how healing love and restoring the broken relations between one another and healing our broken relation with the Earth are mutually interdependent.

Featuring stories of Indigenous elders and community leaders, regenerative design experts and activists.

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