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The #Magha #Nakshatra holds a significant place in #VedicAstrology as the tenth in the series of lunar constellations or Nakshatras. It finds its home within the zodiac sign of Leo, encompassing all four of its quarters or padas. The term “Magha” carries a powerful meaning, signifying anything grand, immense, or even beyond ordinary limits. It’s a word that exudes magnificence.

When we talk about the Magha Nakshatra, we’re delving into a realm associated with guardian angels. These celestial beings watch over us, shielding us from adversity, and lighting the way through challenging times. The central theme of Magha Nakshatra revolves around achievement – a reminder that with the guidance and protection of these guardian angels, we can reach great heights Magha Nakshatra.

Translation #Magnificent
Symbol #Royal #Throne
Animal Symbol #Male #Rat
Presiding Deity #Pitras ( #ancestors)
Controlling/Ruling Planet #Ketu
Ruling Deity of Mercury #Ganesha
The 4 Quarters of Magha Nakshatra
1st quarter Ruled by Mars
2nd quarter Ruled by Venus
3rd quarter Ruled by Mercury
4th quarter Ruled by Moon
Nature #Rakshasa (demon)
Mode # Active
Number #10
Gender #Female
Dosha #Kapha
Guna #Tamasic
Element #Water
Disposition #Ugra ( #fierce)
Bird #Eagle
Common Name of the Tree #Bargad ( #Banyan)
Botanical Name of the Tree #Ficus-benghalensis
Seed Sounds Ma, Me, Mu, Me.
