

Schon wieder ist ein Rockmusiker verstorben.

Der Gitarrist von Lynyrd Skynyrd, Gary Rossington, ist gestorben. Daher noch einmal zum Abschied den Simple Man.

Gitarrist Gary Rossington von Lynyrd Skynyrd gestorben


Der Gitarrist Gary Rossington von Lynyrd Skynyrd, der legendären Southern-Rock-Band aus Florida, ist im Alter von 71 Jahren gestorben. Das teilte die Band auf Facebook mit. Lieder wie "Sweet Home Alabama" machten die Gruppe aus Jacksonville berühmt.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (Lyve From Steel Town)


#gary_rossington #lynyrd_skynyrd #RIP


In early June, NASA announced that it’s commissioning an independent study on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), as UFOs have recently been rebranded.
The intent is to move the scientific understanding of #UAP forward, said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for science.

This nonsense from #NASA. They’re well aware of #alien #UFO.
Check #Gary #McKinnon e.g. https://odysee.com/@out:9/gary-mckinnon-interview:8

There’s and a unbiased researcher Dr #Karla #Turner(rip) with diar prospect

And also a US wide Research network #MUFON ran by volunteers and the’ve been interrogating abductees and ufo witnesses.
One of the researchers Joseph Jordan did an extradonary finding, hidden by researchers without knowing of eachother.