

Océans Poubelles. (2013)

#Nucléaire #Déchets #Poubelle #Océan #Ocean #Ozean #Radioactivité #Documentaire #DokumentarFilm #Atommüll #Atomkraft #France #Deutschland #Belgique

Ces déchets constituent une radioactivité totale de 85 000 térabecquerels (TBq) à la date de leur immersion, l’équivalent de cinq à six fois la quantité d’éléments radioactifs rejetés dans l’océan Pacifique à la suite de la catastrophe nucléaire de #Fukushima, entre mars et avril 2011. L’Atlantique Nord a été le premier site d’immersion, représentant la moitié de la radioactivité totale.

+divers articles et cartes récents.


#Tire Wear a Major Source of #Microplastics, Say Researchers

Source: https://www.plasticstoday.com/medical/tire-wear-a-major-source-of-microplastics-say-researchers

Six million tonnes of tire wear particles are released globally each year. Particulate matter from tire wear is a significant source of microplastics in rivers and oceans, and tire wear in cities could pose up to a four-fold greater risk to the environment than other microplastics, according to the researchers.

#car #traffic #problem #environment #health #pollution #nature #ocean #science


#ocean #photography #writing #mywork

Shark Bite

Sharks. Sharks everywhere. Doing what sharks do.
It's nothing personal. You're just Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
No playing around.
The scary part is looking into their cold, dead eyes,
and how their eyes will roll back when they're about to bite.
It's their expression of the extreme pleasure they're about to enjoy.