

In #1933 #Gisèle_Freund joined the many exiled Germans in Paris, amongst whom the #photographers Joseph Breitenbach and Fritz Henle. She was a Jewish and she had photographed in 1932 a violent May-Day in Frankfurt against the National Socialists.
In #1935 she #photographed the unemployed in the depressed areas in northern England.
In #1936 her #Sorbonne dissertation On Photography and Bourgeois Society was #published.
Among many #portraits of what was considered the "intellectual elite" at the time - Man Ray, Walter Benjamin, James Joyce and Frida Kahlo, for example -, in 1950 she photographed Evita Peron.
Gisèle #Freund's work, and life, are sociologically and historically so important that I invite you to read a more detailed #biography here.

  • photo 1 (snapshot): May-Day rally, Frankfurt, 1932
  • photo 2: Rue de la Pluie, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1935
  • photo 3: Simone de Beauvoir, Paris, 1938
  • photo 4: Virginia Woolf devant la fresque de Vanessa Bell, London, 1939
  • photo 5: Frida Kahlo et son médecin, New-Mexico, 1951
  • photo 6: Man Ray dans son studio, Paris, 1967

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