

Three women contract HIV from dirty “vampire facials” at unlicensed spa | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/dirty-vampire-facials-behind-first-hiv-outbreak-linked-to-spa-treatments/

Vampire facial" is the common name for a platelet-rich plasma microneedling procedure. In this treatment, a patient's blood is drawn, spun down to separate out plasma from blood cells, and the platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the face with microneedles. It's claimed—with little evidence—that it can rejuvenate and improve the look of skin, and got notable promotions from celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian.

If it's promoted by a celebrity it's probably Bullshit
#health #hiv


April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day | CDC

April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day (NTHTD), when we recognize the ongoing impact of HIV on transgender communities and highlight the importance of regular HIV testing and access to HIV prevention and care services. HIV testing is the entry point to HIV prevention and treatment services, yet a variety of structural barriers can make it difficult for transgender and nonbinary people to access testing.

#trans #transgender #HIV #NationalHIVTestingDay


Warum Jugendliche in Russland ihre HIV-Therapie abbrechen | DW | 10.01.2023

Sie brauchen den Medikamentencocktail und wollen ihn dennoch nicht einnehmen: HIV-positive Jugendliche in Russland schwanken zwischen Diskriminierung und Verzweiflung. Hilfe aus dem Ausland ist schwieriger geworden.#Russland #HIV #HIVinRussland #Jugentlicher #Teenager #Waisen #Kinderheime #Medikamente #Therapien #Ausgrenzung
Warum Jugendliche in Russland ihre HIV-Therapie abbrechen | DW | 10.01.2023


Just ten countries accounted for almost half of all new #HIV infections in 2021.

And while new infections have seen a drop, the number of people living with HIV has increased from 26 million to more than 38 million over the past two decades.